In the distance, I could hear security running in the direction of the fight. Between swinging and zapping, I was quickly losing my drive. The last one had sense enough to stop fighting long enough to help her two cohorts and make a run for it. This was the business district after all that they chose to jump me at, everything was on camera. Along with the fact that none of their faces were covered, they were bound to be caught eventually. The only dilemma I faced was getting fired over this bullshit.

"Are you all right Gabriella?"

"I'm fine."

"Are you sure, your bleeding?" Dave pointed out.

"Bleeding," I asked. "Damn, that hurts..." As if seeing the blood is what shook me from my state of shock, the cut started to throb.

"An ambulance is on the way, just hold on." Dave kept talking as he assisted me to sit on the ground.

Sirens were drawing near and my head started to hurt a bit. There was a stream of blood running down my arm. Too afraid to see where it was coming from, I waited and prayed it wasn't too bad.

"Ma'am, can you let go of the stun gun?"

"Huh, oh I'm sorry." I allowed the person closest to me take it from my hand.

"That is a pretty nasty bump on your head. The cut on your arm looks deep enough to need stitches."

"Ma'am, can you tell me what happened?" Noticing for the first time that an officer was on the scene, I began to feel a bit nostalgic. Should I ask for James? "Ma'am," he gave me a questioning look.

"These girls approached me, for some reason I can't remember what they were speaking about. They were calling me out of my name and then they rushed me."

"Did you recognize any of them?"

"Not that I know of, they could have been patients or customers that have come into the building I work for or something. I see so many people daily, I can't be sure."

"Is there anything else you can think of that could help us track them down?"

"I used my stun gun on two of the women at a pretty high voltage. They may seek medical attention, I don't know."

"I'm sure the security camera caught the women and we should have no problem tracking them down. We will be in touch Miss Cooper."

"Thank you."

"Ma'am, can you stand?" The EMT helped me onto the gurney.

"Gabriella," a voice I didn't expect to hear was approaching. "What happened?"

"Some girls jumped me when I got off." From where I sat, I could see the anger take over the concern on his face.

"Are you her husband?"

"No," was his simple reply. The resounding one syllable word resembled another brick being built around my heart.

"He is my safety instructor." I added.

"Obviously not a good one," James remarked.

"If it weren't for you teaching me to use my stun gun, it would have been worse. It was three to one, I came out pretty good if you ask me."

"You call being sliced and having a nice lump on your head pretty good."

"It's better than the alternative—damn near dead." I shrugged at his question.

"Sir, we have to take her to the emergency room to stitch up this cut and possibly get a CT for the bump on her head." The EMT working on me said to James. "You are welcome to follow us there."

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