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•Alyssa's POV•

Here I was running from my own wedding. Here I was driving to the arena where he was. Here I was moments away from seeing him after 3 months.

The driver stopped at the front gate of the arena and smiled.
"Go get him Alyssa." He smiled.
"Thanks Henry," I smiled.
I got out of the car with my wedding dress still clung to my body and ran up the steps of the arena. As I got to the front doors I smelled the familiar smell of rubber, dirty boys and popcorn. I smiled and stepped in.

•Shawn's POV•

Second quarter was almost over and we were still down by 3. Coach called the final timeout for the quarter and sat us down.
"Shawn you make the calls, I'm not sure what to do anymore. No one's hearts are in the game." Coach said.
I looked around at my teammates who looked exhausted.
"Look guys I know what everyone's minds are on right now. Which is why I'm going to sit out for the rest of the game." I told them.
"Bro you can't"
"Listen guys, my mind is on something that's happening right now and I can't stop it. My head and my heart are both wanting the same thing right now and it's not this game. So please play your hearts outs for me." I told them.
"If that's what you want cap." Ollie said.
I nodded.
"No Ollie, I think that's what he wants." Alex said pointing.
We all turned to look.
"Alyssa?" Ollie asked.
She descended the stairs and pushed through the crowds in what seemed to be slow motion. I raised myself from the bench.
"Is that the Princess?"
"Isn't she supposed to be getting married right now?"
"I think that's her wedding dress."
She made it to the bottom of the stairs and finally found my eyes.
"Hi," she said with a small smile.
"Princess over here"
"That's the princess!"

And yes even through the screaming and yelling, I still knew she was my princess.

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