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Chapter 4

UNEDITED:/ sorry for the wait guys, ever since school started it's been insane. I'll try to update the other stories this weekend.

love you lots and thanks for all the support and edits/gifs in my inbox! I appreciate your amazing gifts and letters! xoxo

Monday. A school with actual people that weren't royal. A public school, I had to go to a public school. Ollie said Shawn would pick us up in the morning so I got up and started getting ready. I had picked out my outfit last night so I wasn't crying this morning looking for one. My Aunt had tried to give me the nicest clothes she had, but I told her Old Navy and JcPenny were fine. I wore a navy blue dress with a brown belt and brown boot heels. Back home the apps were everywhere and my mother made me get my makeup done by John, our makeup guy, everyday. So now with this foreign makeup in front of me, I had no clue what to do. I took the thing that looked like my skin color and put that on my face, then this powder stuff. I knew what mascara was thank The Lord. After I was done it looked okay, I added a bit of lipgloss and headed downstairs.
"Oh good you look cute! Let's do your hair!" My Aunt said as I came down the stairs.
I smiled at her and flowers her to the bathroom. She pulled out a curling wand and curled my hair.
"You are beautiful," she said admiring her work.
"Thank you." I smiled blushing.
As I walked to the kitchen Ollie came sprinting down the stairs with his bookbag.
"What are you doing?" I asked him as he ran around the house.
"I have hockey practice after school and I can't find my skates. I took them out when we went skating!" He yelled to me freaking out.
I helped him look for them and found them under the table. He took them and shoved them into his bag.
"Want something to eat?" My Aunt asked us.
We both nodded and sat down at the table. She came in with two paper bags and a tray.
"Here's your lunches, and here's pancakes to start off Alyssa's first day." She smiled.
"Thanks," I told her.
She went back into the living room and Ollie and I ate.
"Are you ready? Shawn's going to be here in five minutes." Ollie told me after we ate.
I nodded and went upstairs quickly to brush my teeth. As I finished I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked nothing like the princess I was born to be. I looked sort of normal, I looked like an regular 16 year old girl.
"Alyssa come on!" Ollie shouted from the bottom of the stairs.
I ran down the stairs and grabbed my bag and lunch. We said quick goodbyes to my Aunt and rushed out to Shawn's car. Ollie and I got in the back and smiled as Shawn said good morning. He pulled out as I noticed the girl sitting in the front seat. Of course he would have a girlfriend, he's gorgeous. Why the hell wouldn't Ollie tell me? I frowned and watched the small house pass by. I already wished I was back home, maybe becoming Queen would be better than this.
"Are you nervous Alyssa?" Shawn asked.
I turned to look at him, he was looking at me in the mirror.
"Yeah, joining in the middle of the year isn't easy I guess." I told him.
He nodded understanding.
"Are you coming to hockey practice with us after school?" He asked again.
"Um I'm not sure," I told him honestly.
Ollie hadn't invited me to go.
"You should, all the girls come and watch. Oh wait that kinda sounded dooshy." He laughed.
I laughed with him. The girl in the front didn't say anything until we got to school. That's only when she said thanks to Shawn for the ride. I walked in the school with Shawn and Ollie on both sides of me.
"The main officer is right there, they'll give you everything. Call me or Shawn if you need anything." Ollie told me.
I nodded and walked towards the main office.
"Good morning can I help you?" The lady said.
"Um hi I'm new here today. My name is Alyssa." I told her.
She nodded as the bell rang. Wasn't that supposed to mean to be in class?
"Oh yes! Hi Alyssa I am Mrs. Duncan I work here in the office and if you need anything today or this week, feel free to ask. Let's get you started with your schedule." She said.
I nodded and followed her. She gave me a stack of papers and told me to follow her. I did as she lead me down the hallways. All the kids were in class, which meant I had to walk into a class with already seated and quiet kids. Everyone would be looking at me. Mrs. Duncan stopped in front of a locker and gave me a piece of paper. I opened it and written was a combo.
"This is your locker, and that is your combo. If you need any help throughout the day with it there's a nice boy right here next to you. He would be happy to help." She smiled.
She opened it up and put my things in it.
"Your teachers will give you your books and anything else you'll need in the class. I would just bring your planner and a notebook with some pencils to class today." She told me.
I nodded and looked down at my schedule.
"First period Mrs. Golderns?" I said to myself.
"Room 126, right around the corner." She smiled at me.
I smiled back and closed my locker.
"Thank you Mrs. Duncan, you've been very kind." I said.
She smiled and walked back to the office leaving me alone. I grabbed what I needed and started to walk to class. As I found the room I took a deep breath.
"You can do this Alyssa," I told myself.
I opened the door and walked in, all eyes instantly falling on me.
"Oh hi, you must be Alyssa right?" Mrs. Golderns asked.
I nodded shyly and smiled.
She smiled back, "you can have a seat next to Brian in the back."
I nodded and looked in the back to see a red-headed boy smiling kindly at me. I walked to the empty seat and sat down.
"Where are you from?" Brian asked me.
I turned and looked at him.
"Denmark," I smiled.
"That's so cool," he smiled back.
I nodded as he continued to ask questions.
"Isn't Ollie your cousin?" He asked.
I nodded. "You know him?" I asked.
"We're on the same hockey team, he's one of my best pals besides Shawn." He smiled.
Shawn. This was Shawn's best friend.
"I met Shawn, we went ice skating the other day. I'm absolutely crap at it." I laughed.
He laughed as well.
"You should come to practice after school today, all the girls do. Wait that sounded doushy." He laughed.
Yup they were totally best friends.
As the bell rang I made my way to my next class saying goodbye to Brian. Thank god my next class was around the corner. I walked in the classroom to see tons of people standing and throwing things around. The teacher was no where to be found so I stood awkwardly in the front of the room.
"Alyssa!" I heard someone yell.
I turned around to see Shawn. Oh thank god someone I know. I walked back towards him and smiled.
"Hey," he said.
"Hi," I smiled.
"This seat is open, if you want it." He told me.
I smiled and sat down.
"So how was your first class?" He asked sitting down.
"It was good, I met your friend Brian." I told him.
His face lit up.
"Did he say anything about me?" He asked.
"No but he told me I should go to practice after school because all the girls do." I said laughing.
He started to laugh too, getting the realization. The teacher walked in and smiled at me.
"Hello, you're Alyssa right?" He smiled.
I nodded as everyone turned to look at me.
"Good glad to have you," he smiled again giving me a book.
I smiled kindly and turned to Shawn.
"Is this guy always this nice?" I asked him.
"No, just wait." He told me.
I turned forward and frowned as he wrote our homework for tonight on the board.
Pre-Calc Honors~ page 629 numbers 1-100 odds. Due tomorrow. Work now in class.
"That's 50 problems." I told Shawn shocked.
He nodded and shrugged.
"It's literally everyday."
I nodded and started working on the problems. I had already passed Pre-Calc back home but I was happy to know some things and do it over again.
"Alyssa if you have no clue what to do, ask Shawn." Mr. Teacher man said.
I nodded as Shawn turned to me.
"Do you get it?" He asked.
I nodded showing him my 10 problems already completed.
"Wow, how do you know this?" He asked me with his eyes wide.
"I already passed this class back home." I smiled.
"Well maybe you can help me." He said looking in my eyes.
I blushed and looked away.
"You seem smarter than you come off to be," he told me.
I looked at him.
"Maybe I am," I smiled at him.

"Good, I like smart girls."

secret royalty - s.mजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें