chapter thirteen

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"I feel so fat," Zayn groaned. He was standing in front of a full size mirror, checking out his pregnant belly. It was less than two months before Elijah would be here, but Zayn wanted his skinny body back now. Zayn sighed, eating a cookie that his younger sister baked for a bake sale for the spirit team.

Zayn pulled his shirt down, and sat against his head board. It was Friday night, and he had nothing to do, his mother was sleeping in her room, and his younger sister was at the basketball game with her friends, and Liam was working, and Harry was out of town for a family thing.

This would be the first night he'd spend by himself in awhile. Liam or Harry were always with him. Right now, Zayn would be sitting at the counter at Henry's while Liam worked, but Liam had switched shifts with another employee, and almost forgot about it. Liam had left Zayn's house after getting a text that reminded him.

Zayn felt something on his bed vibrate. It wasn't his phone, as it was lying on his dresser. He reached over, and found Liam's phone under his blanket. He recognized the number to be the diner's number, and he slid to answer.


"Oh, thank god. I forgot my phone at your house. I thought I lost it somewhere–"

"Nope, I have it, Li." Zayn smiled. Zayn always smiled whenever he heard Liam's voice.

"I was making sure I didn't lose lost it, you know? Shit, I have to go, dinner rush, and Maurice is getting pissed about the little things. I'll come by with some food after my shift. Bye Zayn," Liam said. Zayn heard nothing, Liam ended the phone call.

Zayn stared at Liam's phone. The screen reflecting his face. Zayn bit his bottom lip, and unlocked Liam's phone. He's seen Liam type his passcode in so many times before, he memorized it, 0829. Not very original, but not many people remembered Liam's birthday.

Zayn pressed photos, and began to scroll through many of Liam's selfies and mirrors pictures. A few pictures of their baby, and some candids of Zayn. Zayn stopped at one specific picture, one from sometime last summer. It was one of Liam and his former football coach, but Zayn didn't realize who it was. But Zayn knew he looked familiar, and was most definitely Liam's ex boyfriend.

Zayn tried zooming in, but nothing helped him to figure out who Liam had dated before him

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Zayn tried zooming in, but nothing helped him to figure out who Liam had dated before him. Without even thinking, Zayn went to Liam's messages and saw his threads. Messages from his mom, sisters, Carter, Reggie, Logan, and Emma. No one Zayn would have to worry about. But Zayn stopped scrolling when he saw the name, Louis. The name sounded familiar, and he pressed the name to read the messages. He sighed in relief when he saw messages that only talked about scholarships, then Zayn remembered that Louis had been their football coach.

But Zayn started to scroll down, and quickly regretted going through Liam's phone. He saw messages exchanged between the two of them, saying I love you, I'll come by later, some pictures, and then one that caught Zayn's eyes. 'Zayn never meant anything to me. You know I love you, and only you, Lou. I'm sorry for my mistake, but please stop ignoring me.' Zayn knew this message was from months ago, but it hurt him to read it.


"Were you ever going to tell me?" Zayn asked. Liam had been at his house for about an hour, he brought back some chicken strips and fries back for Zayn. They were sitting on Zayn's bed, while they were watching some sitcom.

"Tell you about what?" Liam responded.

"That you dated our football coach?" Zayn continued, and Liam froze.

"Um, you know– that um– It wasn't important. It's in the past, and over with– wait, how'd you–?"

"I, uh– Iwentthroughyourphone. I didn't mean to, it was in my hands after you called, and I'm really sorry." Zayn watched as Liam's face hardened, and then soften after awhile. Liam let out a sigh, and laughed.

"I thought I deleted everything that had him in it. He's in the past, you have nothing to worry about," Liam started. "There is nothing between the two of us now. I really like you, Zayn. I really do."

"I like you, too, Liam." Zayn replied, smiling. "We really like you."


I planned on having a ziam fight, but I changed it last minute. :-) but I like this ending better than what i planned.

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