chapter nine

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Zayn sat on the stool in front of the counter. Liam stood behind it, adding up the totals on receipts before handing them out. The door of the diner opened, and Liam turned. Louis walked in, with Niall in tow.

"Is that Coach Tomlinson?" Zayn asked Liam. Liam nodded, and watched as they sat at in a booth, in Liam's spot where he had to take orders. "Is that his boyfr– You okay, Liam?" Zayn noticed Liam's hand gripping the edges of the counter.

"Are your fries good?" Liam asked, changing the subject, looking at Zayn. Zayn nodded, and ate a couple. "Good," Liam smiled. He grabbed a pen, and went to take orders.

"Welcome to Henry's, I'm your waiter, Liam. How may I help you today?" Liam said, stopping right in front of Louis.

"Liam?" Louis's mouth dropped. They've seen each other at the school, but rarely. They haven't talked since Louis told Liam about the colleges wanting him.

"Can I start you two with something to drink?" Liam smiled, or what looked like a smile. He shouldn't be mad at Louis, but it's been two months since they broke up, but the one person Louis takes out is his ex.

"I'll have a large ice tea with lemon," Louis said. "I'll have the same," Niall replied. Liam wrote the drinks down, and sauntered away.


"What do you want, Louis?" Liam growled, when Louis followed him into the bathroom. He was changing out the paper towels.

"I didn't know you worked here, I wouldn't have brought him if I knew–" Louis told Liam, who rolled his eyes.

"I don't care about your love life. We broke up. We're free to date whoever, even if it's exes," Liam muttered the rest, pushing the towel holder shut, and locking it.

"Or people we cheated on our boyfriends with," Louis whispered under his breath.

"Right, because you cheated on me first," Liam glared at Louis. There was tension between them, and that was easily seen, and no one knew why, except for the two of them.


Liam watched at Niall and Louis laughing, and looking happy. Liam remember the times Louis complained about his ex during the time they first dated. Zayn stared intently at Liam. "Are you okay, Li?"

"I'm fine," Liam replied, and Zayn gave a small frown. "You don't seem–"

"Your shift is over, Liam!" Maurice, the manager, told Liam. "And please, don't give your boyfriend anymore free food." Louis turned at the word boyfriend, and stared at Zayn, glaring at sight.

"I'm paying for it, Maurice." Liam told the manager, and grabbed a twenty from his wallet, and waved it to show Maurice.

Liam clocked out after paying for Zayn's food. Emma walked in, and took over Liam's tables.

"C'mon, Zee," Liam grabbed Zayn's hand, and led him outside.

"Your manager called me your boyfriend," Zayn pointed out, and Liam nodded.

"You do spend a lot of time there when I have my shifts," Liam told Zayn, who shrugged.

"Henry's has the best fries in town," Zayn smiled. "But you didn't correct him. You didn't correct Dr Parker either," Zayn pointed out, sitting in Liam's car.

Liam chewed his bottom lip. "Umm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable, but I like the idea of you being my–"

"Liam?" Zayn cut him off.

"I'll just take you home. I'm sorry," Liam started his car.

"No, not yet," Zayn spoke up before Liam drove away. "I like spending time with you, I really do. And I'm glad that you're the father, and I want us to be more than people that's having a baby to–"

Liam pressed his lips against Zayn's, the last time this happened, Liam was drunk and angry. But this time it felt right, sober and happy.


Ziam riiiiise!
Ziam kissed!!!

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