Original Edition - Tip 24: Be Babysitters

Start from the beginning

"Nope." he states and I don't ask him any further. I swear, if he takes any of my order, I'll attack him. Wait...it's not like he can take my coffee.

I order a coffee, double double, for myself. The kids each get a muffin and we share a box of 20 Timbits. We then get back into the car and proceed to High Park.

"You know what would be the best time to visit High Park?" James says as I take a sip of my coffee.


"In the spring. The cherry blossoms there are stunning." he replies. Yeah, they really are. I usually go each year with my family. We always take a bunch of pictures.

"I know right!"

We get there and we pull into the parking lot. We get out of the car. James opens the trunk and takes out the stroller. He attatches the carseat and we start to walk on the pathway. The two kids are walking happily, with no complaints after being fed.

We continue on the pathway, James and I just talking while the kids are admiring the natural beauty of the place. We stumble across the playground and they run to play. The structure of the playground has always been so unique. It's in the form of a castle, which I've always loved.

James and I take a seat at one of the picnic tables, when Marie starts to wail like crazy. I take her from the stroller and carry her, but she doesn't stop crying. Babies are cute and all, but it seems like they can cry forever. I pace around while rocking Marie in hope that she'll stop crying. I continue on for a while but she doesn't stop.

"Let me take her." James offers and I hand Marie to him.

I sit down. Gosh, carrying that baby is literally more intense than an arm workout. James starts doing the same thing that I've been doing, except he starts talking to her. "Shh, Marie. Please stop crying." he pleads. He presses his forehead against her tiny forehead, then kisses her on the cheek. He lifts her up and down and she stops crying.

Her wails are replaced with giggles. "You like that, huh?" James says and continues to lift her up and down.

Good, I think. With muscles like that, you can keep doing that so the rest of Toronto doesn't have to endure the screams of that child. Wait...does that child like him more than me? I think the apocalypse has officially started.


We get back to the house at about 12:00 to have lunch. The chef prepares the meals as I sit in the living room, watching T.V. with the kids.

Tony, the awesome chef, has been working for the Bryers for a really long time. Like their housekeepers and nannies, Tony is like part of their family. He's also Tito Danny's personal driver.

Although his cooking is amazing, he doesn't cook all that much since Lola Edna loves to take over the kitchen.

I turn on the lights and start to close the blinds. Although it is mid-day, the weather seems to be taking a turn on us. It's so dark outside that you could mistake it for night. The clouds are grey and I think it's going to rain.

"We don't wanna watch this anymore!" Hannah whines.

I look to the T.V. So they've been watching Peppa Pig for an hour. I guess that would get a little boring.

"Okay then, what do you want to watch?" I ask them, while flipping through channels.

"Dora?" I suggest.

"Ew. No." David says.

"Blue's Clues?"

"No thanks."

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