• chapt. 31 | our differences

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tzuyu didn't come to school the next day and chaeyoung grew worrisome. the smaller girl needed to know if the brunette was okay, but tzuyu wasn't answering any of her messages. she was reading them, chaeyoung saw that, but she never replied to at least one of the many texts she sent.

around lunch, she hung her head low and played with the food on her plate. she didn't feel like talking to anyone, not without the girl that she liked so much. sana sighed as she lightly tapped on momo's shoulder, motioning for the older blonde to look over at chaeyoung.

"shes been like this all lunch," sana whispered into the girl's ear. momo's eyes shifted down to the girl still playing with her food. "she also keeps looking at tzuyu's empty seat."

the two observed her for quite some time before the older blonde had had enough. "oh for christ's sake," momo replied as she got up from her seat. everyone watched as she made her way over to chaeyoung, beginning to get worried too. "get up and follow me," she said to the other girl.

chaeyoung just sighed as she looked up at the blonde. confusion was plastered all over her face, yet momo just raised an eyebrow as she motioned towards the cafateria entrance. she didnt seem threatening to chaeyoung at them moment so the other girl didnt say anything in return.

"i dont think thats a good idea," dahyun replied as she looked over at momo. the blonde just waved her off at the younger girl as she returned to looking at chaeyoung.

dahyun looked over at sana, but all her girlfriend did was shrug. thats what everyone else did. truth be told, no one in the group thought it was a good idea for momo and chaeyoung to venture off together unsupervised. yet, none of them were willing to face momo's wrath by telling her to back off. lisa and jennie valued their lunch way too much for that.

chaeyoung just sighed as she threw her fork down on her plate and stood up from her seat. she followed the blonde out of the cafeteria and momo lead her into an empty classroom nearby. once she shut the door, momo turned around to look at chaeyoung. the smaller girl had her hand covering her face and she was turned away from the blonde. momo sighed as she made her way over to her.

"look, chaeyoung, you gotta snap out of whatever this is and cheer the fuck up. you were bringing the mood down at lunch," momo said. she put her hand on the other girl's shoulder, she was shaking. momo furrowed her brow as she leaned her head to see the other girl crying. "oh jesus, uhm," she said as she took her hand away. chaeyoung and her were not on that level of friendship. hell, they didnt even have a friendship at all, so momo had no idea what she should do in this situation.

"m-momo what am i g-going to do?" the smaller girl asked ironically through her sobs. the blonde froze. chaeyoung was specifically asking for her help now, there was nothing else she could do except for comfort her little nemesis. after all, she was human.

"oh fuck it," the blonde mumbled under her breath as she went over and threw the other girl into a hug. chaeyoung cried harder as she gripped the blonde. "shh," momo cooed as she began to softly play with the other girl's hair. when chaeyoung seemed to calm down a bit, momo loosened herself from her grip and placed her hands on chaeyoung's shoulders while staring into the smaller girl's eyes. "now, would you like to tell momo unnie whats got you down?"

chaeyoung laughed slightly as she wiped a few tears away from her eyes. "its nothing really," she responded back, thinking that she shouldnt have cried in front of momo.

the blonde rolled her eyes. "chaeyoung, you were literally crying not even five minutes ago."

"i know and i shouldnt have done that its just- its just i have a lot on my mind right now," the other girl breathed out as she went over and leaned against the teachers desk.

momo scanned the girls face before coming to a conclusion. "about tzuyu, huh," momo responded back softly. chaeyoung just looked up at the girl and slowly nodded her head, not wanting to get beat up by the older girl for admitting that. the blonde sighed as she looked over towards the classroom window.

"she hasnt been talking to me since halloween, and i dont know what to do ive sent her a million texts and ive tried everything but tzuyu just wont talk to me its driving me insane ..." it was safe to say that the red haired girl was babbling and momo honestly didnt have the heart to tell her to slow down. she just patiently waited for chaeyoung to tire herself out, and when she did, momo took a deep breath.

"look, i know we've had our differences in the past-"
momo tried to start off but chaeyoung interjected.

"i wouldnt call it 'our differences.' you literally tried to attack me once during lunch," the smaller girl replied with a sniff.

momo gave her a look as she clenched her jaw. "do you want to hear the rest of what i was going to say or not?"

the smaller girl nodded as she began to lightly blush. "yeah, sorry," chaeyoung said back, rubbing her arm.

the blonde nodded her head before continuing. "okay, like i said, we may have had our differences in the past and i still dont like you, no offense," the blonde paused, looking over at the smaller girl. chaeyoung just nodded her head, already seeing this coming and motioned for momo to continue. she took a deep breath. "but, if you like my little chewy-ah, then i guess i will have to learn to like you too," was all the blonde said back.

she was being serious. she didnt think chaeyoung was the one for tzuyu, hell, she shouldnt even be a consideration. yet momo knew that tzuyu returned those same feelings and decided that maybe she should stop waisting so much time being pro against them dating and actually embrace it. that used up a lot less energy after all.

chaeyoung just looked at her in shock. "how did you..." was all she could get out. did everyone know of her feelings for tzuyu, and was it really that obvious?

reading her mind, momo responded quickly. "it's kind of obvious. you dont really hide your feelings that well," the blonde joked. chaeyoung just softly smiled. they were going to be okay after all.

"thank you, momo," she replied back, a genuine smile appearing on her  face.

"no need to thank me, but i swear to god if you do anything to mess this up with her, you bet i'll be coming for you," momo warned seriously.

"of course. i would never do anything to hurt tzuyu," chaeyoung responded with a nod. momo nodded too and she walked over to sling her arm around the shorter girl.

"now lets get back to lunch because i am hungry," the blonde replied, causing the younger girl to laugh.


hello readers!
in the beginning, next chapter will most likely break your hearts BUT if you stick around, i will be able to fix your chaeyu hearts again 😂 (i have a few rolls of tape left) anyway, this was a warning so be prepared guys! like always, please vote for your favorite chapters and comment literally anything you wish, i dont care (:

till next chapter,
the author

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