• chapt. 12 | take a break

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it had been two weeks since mina and chaeyoung had their last skype call. two weeks of just barely texting and getting little updates on each other's lives. mina just didn't know if she could do it anymore. dont get her wrong, she loved chae - more than she could ever imagine, but she couldn't help but think that this relationship was getting them nowhere, and they were already off to a very slow start. mina went over her options as she contemplated whether or not she should actually say the words out loud. she wants to take a break, not completely end things. maybe later, when the time is right, they will find each other again and hopefully have the relationship that they deserved.

mina has volleyball and other relations here in wyoming to worry about while chae is over there getting seemingly close to a very special freshman. yeah, mina knew everything. she knew about the crush she had on tzuyu in middle school (courtesy of dahyun) and to the recent encounters of "bullying" that has been going on lately. (courtesy of jihyo) hell, she even knew how it could've been sexual tension. (way to go lisa)

mina couldnt blame chaeyoung. she just entered high school after all. there was still so much she had to experience, and mina shouldn't have to hold her back from that. the brunette didn't want to. she was going to be graduating next year while chaeyoung would be left behind. like mina thought, when the time is right, they will be together.

that was why mina sat in her hotel room, staring at the empty skype call screen debating on whether or not she should tell chae over the video chat or simply just texting it to her. she sighed in frustration and leaned her head on the top of her laptop.

"do it," she heard yerin say from their bed. since there were fourteen members on the varsity team, they all had to share rooms.

mina looked over at her roommate with sadden eyes, "what?" she asked, her voice raspy.

yerin sat down her phone and gave mina a reassuring smile. "just do it. i know it will be hard to do, but like you said, you dont want her to sit around waiting for you," she replied back.

"you make it seem like i am moving to a different country," mina responded, shutting her laptop and giving yerin her full, undivided attention.

"yeah but we come back next week. then whats it? stay for about a month and then leave again when we make nationals?" yerin replied. she had a point, and mina cursed her for it. the brunette looked at the tv to find a new episode of jane the virgin was on. she looked away.

"why do i feel like i'm a villain?" mina let out as she leaned back in her chair.

yerin rolled her eyes and grabbed her phone again. "because you are breaking up with her, but dont worry, it is for the best."

the two exchanged soft smiles before mina opened up her laptop again. yerin excused herself to go find their other roommates and keep them out while mina and chaeyoung had their talk. after a few moments of trying to catch her breath, she finally clicked the call button.

it rang for a sold fifteen seconds before chaeyoung picked up. she had her usual smile on her face and her hair was wet.

"hey babe!" she greeted as she set her laptop on the foot of her bed. "sorry i almost missed your call, i just got out of the shower."

"oh i thought you just got back from the rain," mina laughed.

"shut up," chaeyoung replied with a smile. "so how was your game?"

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