• chapt. 4 | detention

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chaeyoung never liked the idea of having to spend time in detention. she was a bad girl on the outside but mostly a sweet angel on the inside. she thought entering high school was a chance to reinvent herself and not end up being like tzuyu, although now the brunette is well known.

everyone liked tzuyu and knew her because she was friends with momo and the other popular girls. everyone knew chaeyoung as the bitchy freshman. the shorter girl didn't mind that title in all honesty, yet she still envied the brunette. tzuyu never changed from middle school and everyone likes her now. chaeyoung and tzuyu were fairly similar in the sense of their innocence when they were younger except chaeyoung got teased for it. so she changed the way she was to get people to like her. well, that came with a price.it took place after school in the library for two straight hours.

chaeyoung sat in her seat fiddling with her pencil in her hand. they expected her to do homework? yeah, fat chance. she put in some headphones and began to write down the names of her friends and found herself writing the name TZUYU continuously on her lines. she furrowed her brow and focused on her writing.

she couldnt believe that she had written the name of the girl she dispised over and over again. this was a self-conscious thing and thats what confused the shorter girl even more. as far as she knew, tzuyu was far from her mind when she was writing her name.

just as she took out her eraser to remove the many duplicates of tzuyu's name, the girl herself walked into the room. chaeyoung panicked and shoved the piece of paper into her bag.

"oh tzuyu! how are you today?" the librarian exclaimed as the brunette walked passed the main desk. tzuyu turned her head in search of the voice and smiled when she realized who was speaking to her.

she walked back to the desk and placed her bag down. "hi, mrs. mccullers! i am doing fine, how about you?"

chaeyoung took out her headphones to hear the conversation more clearly, trying to be as discreet as possible.

"i am doing fine. how are you and ms. somi, huh? i bet you guys are doing well," the librarian teased. tzuyu looked away for a second and began fiddling with the bookmarks on the shelf.

"ah no actually. she broke up with me," tzuyu said without showing much emotion in her face. chaeyoung paused, tzuyu was dating someone before? more importantly, that person was a girl?

the librarian regretted asking the question seeing as tzuyu's voice cracked a little after revealing her information. "oh i am sorry to hear that, i shouldn't have brought it up."

"no it's fine, really. i mean ive gotten over it," she responded back softly. "i have to go because im meeting someone for peer tutoring. i'll talk to you later mrs. mccullers," tzuyu said as she gathered her things.

the brunette met eyes with chaeyoung once again in the same day and this time, tzuyu just ducked her head and moved to a seat further from the other girl. tzuyu was almost certain that chaeyoung heard the entire conversation and would now use it against her.

to be entirely honest, tzuyu was not over the breakup. somi was her first girlfriend and the only girl she had ever openly admitted her feelings for. how was tzuyu suppose to let that go? they have been dating for quite some time and had many amazing memories. of course if was hard for the poor girl to try and forget it all.

chaeyoung's head followed tzuyu to her seat as she began to make a beat from her pencil. she was never really good at making the soft little beats but it became a habit for her to do whenever she was thinking.

"damn, that was a good beat," someone called out to chaeyoung. she looked over to find a boy sitting in the table next to her.

he had dark black hair that hung just over his forehead. he wore a rosewood high varsity jacket that he probably got from being on the football team. his feet were up on the desk and he was leaning back into his chair. he tried to seem somewhat like a bad boy in front of chaeyoung. shes a badass so that must mean shes into bad guys right? wrong.

she gave him a nasty look before saying, "um who are you again?" anyone who talked to her would know she was lying. she knew exactly who he was. jeon jungkook was all she ever talked about when it came to who was a good singer. to her, he was dreamy and the way he sang in choir class did wonders to her soul. then again, tzuyu's voice produce a more stronger feeling that she would often mistake for jealousy.

"im jeon jungkook, but everyone just calls me jungkook. you're chaeyoung, right?"

"yeah," chaeyoung said. she looked over at tzuyu to find the girl was across someone she knew from her english class. was her name addison, or was it angie? either way the girl was pretty and chaeyoung felt very territorial.

"your name is beautiful, i bet that number is gorgeous. can i have it?" he asked, using his most common pickup line. he smiled brightly, waiting for a response.

chaeyoung looked over at him and glared. "you know i have a girlfriend, right?" she said back. she sat up straighter in her chair and focused all her attention on the boy.

his eyes widened in shook. "oh im sorry. i didnt mean to assume anything."

"its okay," she replied. "a lot of people do." chaeyoung took off her jacket and rolled it into a ball to use as a pillow. she layed her head down and watched as jungkook tried making his own beat from his pencil. the teacher yelled at him to stop, and chaeyoung couldnt help but chuckle while looking at the clock.

tick. tock.

the ticking was bugging the hell out of the girl to say the least. she had one more hour and she was out for the weekend ..

... just one... one... just one more ...

"okay guys detention is over," mrs. mccullers called out from behind her desk. she watched as jungkook and chaeyoung awoke from their naps and sighed before going back to her computer.

"what?" chaeyoung responded as she opened her eyes and lifted her head off her desk. she fell asleep?

shit, i hope i didnt drool, the girl thought.

chaeyoung looked around and didn't find tzuyu sitting at her seat from before; the brunette must've left a while ago. she sighed and began to pack her stuff up. she tried to put her textbook into her bag but found it difficult to so she abrubtly pulled it out. at the same time, a crumpled piece of paper fell out from her bag.

jungkook reached down to pick it up and laughed as he saw tzuyu's name written all over the sheet. "you have a girlfriend, huh? i guess she's all you ever think about."

chaeyoung looked over at him confused but once she saw the sheet, her face turned red. "yeah, but her name is mina." she tried snatching the paper from his hands, but he pulled away before she could even grab it.

"so who is .. uhm tzuyu?" jungkook asked trying hard to read the name on the paper. he looked up with a smirk. he thought for a moment before saying, "oh shes that really smart girl in our graduating class? shes really pretty."

"i guess," chaeyoung responded.

"wait, tzuyu.. chou tzuyu. i thought you and your squad hate her," jungkook replied with a hint of supicion in his voice.

"for someone i just met today, you seem to know a lot about me," the girl replied with a snarl.

"jungkook and chaeyoung, unless you guys want to be staying over the whole night, i'd suggest you get moving," the teacher called out to them.

"we are going, miss," jungkook said as he stood up from his seat and walked over to chaeyoung. "see you next time," he smiled before handing her a small piece of folded paper. "here's my number in a non flirty way of course. i would like to be friends," he responded before dashing out of the library.

the smaller girl looked at the number in her hands before smiling and adding the number into her phone.


hello readers! thank you for making it this far haha i did not expect people to actually read this fanfiction. i would like to thank that very dedicated person who is always pushing me to update. without them, you probably wouldn't have even seen/be able to read this story. (not to mention i would probably update like once every two weeks) but anyway, thanks again and please vote and comment any suggestions that you would like to see played out in this story, and i'll try to incorporate it into my original idea.

till next chapter,
the author

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