• chapt. 21 | chaeyoung meter

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after what happened in the library, chaeyoung was sort of on the edge. she skipped fouth hour and hid out in the bathroom as she began to wash her face. she needed to control this burning sensation all over her cheeks which she knew was a sign that she was madly blushing. she couldn't take anymore, these weird feelings needed to either stop or be known. the one person she could actually come to and not get judged by explaining herself was the reason why she was having these unexplained feelings. no, she had to go to someone else, but who?

once she was done drying her face, she grabbed her bag from the floor and went over to her locker. chaeyoung began to reapply some of her makeup in the small mirror that her locker provided. she then grabbed her spanish workbook and put it in her bag. when she decided that she looked decent, she shut her locker door and gasped.

standing behind the metal slack was mina.

she had on her rosewood high varsity jacket along with white shorts and her adidas white shoes. the dark orange haired girl softly smiled at chaeyoung, realizing that this seemed like a better play in her head than reality.

"hey..." she started out slowly as she let her voice trail off. chaeyoung readjusted the strap of her bag as she balanced from one foot to the other. "uhm, how are you?"

at first, the smaller girl couldn't speak, she couldn't even move. chaeyoung just stood there staring at her once very "loved" girlfriend and realized that maybe her feelings for mina weren't all that real. still, the shock of seeing her after weeks of the two avoiding each other just seemed to take a toll on chaeyoung.

"h-hey mina," the younger girl started out. she licked her lips as mina stared at her ready to hear whatever chaeyoung had to say. thinking about it, chaeyoung realized that she was being a wuss about the situtation and needed to act mature. "i'm good actually, how about you?"

mina smiled brightly hearing the confidence in the smaller girl's voice. "i've been okay. volleyball season has been really kicking my ass."

at that, chaeyoung chuckled and leaned her left shoulder against the locker. "i bet. i heard you guys are going to nationals."

"yeah, coach is making practice longer and harder. i can't believe i'm still walking," mina admitted with a shrug. the conversation had reached an awkward silence and the short haired girl couldn't take not knowing anymore so she asked, "how are you?"

chaeyoung shook her head and said, "mina, you already asked-" but she was cut off by mina stepping forward.

"you know what i meant."

this made the smaller girl stop in her tracks as she realized what mina was trying to ask. chaeyoung shut her eyes for a moment. should she lie? no, mina would know that she was not telling the truth, but if she told her ex the truth, then she would hurt mina. did the older girl really need to know that she honestly hasn't been that hung up after their breakup? that was the truth after all. it affected chaeyoung for two days before she realized that her true feelings were with tzuyu and she never looked back.

chaeyoung took a deep breath. "i've been okay, really. you don't need to pity me," she responded back, her sassy part of herself coming out.

mina was taken a back. "look chae, i am not trying to pity you," she responded. "i genuinely want to know if you are okay."

"well i am fine," chaeyoung responded back. "so if you'll excuse me, i have to get to class, and so should you." she left mina staring shocked as she turned around and walked away.

"uh, chaeyoung! wait," mina replied chasing after the girl. the smaller girl sighed as she turned around to face mina once again. mina licked her lips, not knowing what to say or why she chased after chaeyoung. she had to think fast. "uhm, halloween is coming up and i was wondering if, you know, you'd like to come to my party. halloween night. it starts at 10."

• playing with fire | chaeyu auTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang