• chapt. 23 | maybe i should go as myself?

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halloween was nearing around the corner and the group had yet to figure out what they were going to wear or be. eating lunch together wasn't all that bad, except momo was instructed to sit as far away from chaeyoung as possible. you could never be too careful when it comes to keeping a loved one away from a very angry blonde, japanese girl who's name was hirai momo.

everything was looking up for them. they seemed to be getting along just fine, a surprise to both dahyun and chaeyoung because they didn't know that the groups were actually really good friends when they aren't around. well, no more hiding for them anymore.

the small red headed girl still needed tutoring though since the first quarter didn't end till the day before halloween and the test was literally a week away. she had gotten a whole lot better at math, but tzuyu didn't have the heart in her to tell chaeyoung that she didnt really need to be tutored anymore. she sort of liked the other girl's company - just haven't figured out why. chaeyoung solved her problem easily, tzuyu just didn't know she was avoiding hers.

"check my work?" the older girl asked as she held a piece of paper in front of the brunette. tzuyu snapped out of her thoughts and smiled.

"do i really need to check it?" she responded back playfully. the younger girl was almost certain that chaeyoung had gotten everything correct on her paper. it was just a waste of time going over to whole thing, but if it made the poor girl happy, then tzuyu had no other choice.

chaeyoung gave the brunette puppy dog eyes. "yes, pleaaaase!" tzuyu just shook her head and rolled her eyes. she brought the paper closer to her so she could see better.

the shorter girl watched eagerly as tzuyu didn't make any corrections on her paper. chaeyoung smiled when tzuyu handed her homework back with an 'i told you so' look.

"i didn't find anything wrong," she responded back, her dimples forming.

the older girl took the paper from the brunette, their hands touching slightly. a small spark was felt by both parties as they slowly removed their hands. "t-thanks," chaeyoung stuttered. tzuyu just nodded not seeming to phased by anything and went back to reading.

chaeyoung didn't know what she should do now. she had finished her math homework and didn't have any assignments due till later in the week. tzuyu looked like she wasn't really doing anything except reading, which chaeyoung knew the brunette only did to pass the time when she waiting for her to finish her work.

the older girl wanted to start a conversation, but what should she say? ah, halloween was next saturday, how about she talk about that? "tzuyu?" she asked, watching as the brunette looked up from her book. "what are you doing for halloween?"

tzuyu shrugged as she placed her book to the side. "uhm, i don't know actually," the brunette said.

"well, you know, mina is throwing a party and-" she was cut off by tzuyu.

"ex mina?" the brunette asked for clarification. she didn't mean to sound rude, but it was just a little weird for her to hear that the older girl had been in contact with her ex again. she wished it was like that with somi.

chaeyoung sighed as she began to fiddle with the ends of her jean shorts. "yes, my ex mina," she replied back.

"i'm sorry. i didn't mean to sound like an idiot," tzuyu responded, her checks turning a deep shade of red.

the other girl shook her head. "nah, its all good," she said back. "anyway, mina said i can invite some friends. you and your group should come too. you know, have some fun."

tzuyu debated on this for a moment, going over the pros and cons of going to a high school party. not to mention, it was a junior's party. the brunette clearly didn't roll with that crowd, i mean, come on. chou tzuyu, at a party? now that's a site anyone would want to see. maybe she was one of those goody two shoes girl that were innocent on the outside but knew how to party on the inside. well, they were going to find out.

the brunette thought about the other members in her group. "i'll have to check in with the others, but if it were up to me, i'd go."

chaeyoung just nodded her head as she reached over to grab her phone. unintentionally, her right hand rested on top of tzuyu's thigh as she leaned over with her left to get the device off of the desk. the brunette felt a burning sensation from the smaller girl's touch and she had yet to figure out if it were a good or bad thing.

thankfully, chaeyoung removed her hand and unlocked her phone. "so, what were you expecting to be for halloween? anything you have in mind?

the brunette shrugged. "uhm, maybe i should go as myself?" she suggested. chaeyoung laughed as tzuyu stared at her in shock.

"tzuyu, i'm all for your cute nerdiness and stuff, but i don't think you should show up in a button up shirt and a skirt," chaeyoung replied with a smirk. tzuyu smiled as she looked away, urging the other girl for any good ideas. "hmm, maybe you can go as an 1800's girl? you know, the kind that wears corsets and does her hair all wacky."

the brunette nodded her head, not minding the idea. "okay that sounds good, but i'm not making my hair look like i was attacked by a cat."

"hey, its halloween. you have to go all out," chaeyoung replied with a giggle.

"no," tzuyu said, joining in on the laughter. "so do you know what you are going to be?"

the red haired girl shrugged. "uhm, not really. i want to be something cool and badass though," she replied as she began to search up costumes online.

"oh," tzuyu said, her voice getting soft.

"why? you got any ideas?" chaeyoung asked, knowing the girl kind of hinted to some information.

tzuyu shook her head. "no, no i just thought you could go as a mermaid or something," the brunette thought as she bit on the inside of her cheek. she knew it was a stupid idea, but she couldn't think of anything else right now. plus, chaeyoung's notebook did have a sticker of ariel on it.

chaeyoung looked at her with wide eyes. "a mermaid?" she questioned.

"okay, maybe not a mermaid," tzuyu said back softly.

"tzuyu, i said i want to be something badass and you tell me i should be a mermaid," the shorter girl responded with a laugh.

the brunette smiled and shook her head. "i wasn't thinking of badass when i suggested it! besides, you did ask for suggestions."

"okay okay," chaeyoung said. "can you at least try to think of another idea, this time actually like a badass?" tzuyu just nodded softly as her mind went to work. "a mermaid? please," chae said under her breath.

tzuyu thought for a moment. "how about you go as a cowgirl?" chaeyoung looked up from her phone confused. "what? i think cowgirl's are pretty badass. and like you said, we weren't allowed to go as ourselves so you should at least go with my choice."

"you think im pretty badass?" chaeyoung replied, her eyes twinkling. tzuyu licked her lips as she stared into the other girl's eyes. she could feel herself beginning to blush again.

"yeah," she started out. "anyone would be a fool to think otherwise," the brunette responded back.

chaeyoung smiled as the brunette picked up her book. tzuyu needed to hide the fact that she was blushing and this was the only way to ensure that her whole face was protected. the smaller girl thought about what the other girl had said and thought that maybe it was a sign that tzuyu liked her too, considering the fact that she was getting all worked up over a simple comment. that's one tally mark in the "like" column; she had to tell dahyun about it.

"i'll go as a cowgirl," chaeyoung finally said, earning a smile from the younger girl.

tzuyu was happy that chae had chosen something that she had suggested. "you'll look cute but badass of course, i promise!" the brunette smiled.

that was another tally.

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