• chapt. 9 | you're beautiful, you know that?

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there was a knock at her door. who the hell would be knocking so early in the morning? she needed her sleep; she was in the middle of a good dream. something that involved tzuyu... or was it mina? maybe it wasn't a good dream after all.

chaeyoung got up from her bed with a sigh and opened her front door.

"what?" she exclaimed, trying to chase whoever was at the door away. she opened her eyes wider to find momo staring at her with a confused look.

chaeyoung's hair was messy. she had so many tangles for someone who was suppose to have short hair. she was wearing a tight tank top that squeezed her boobs together and bright pink pajama pants that seemed a bit too long for her. her breath didn't smell too good and momo was on the edge on whether she wanted to offer the girl some gum or not.

"uhh..." momo let her voice trail out. she just continued to stare, not knowing what to say.

chaeyoung squinted her eyes. "well? what are you doing here, momo?"

"uhm why arent you dressed?" momo said back with attitude. chaeyoung looked at her for a moment, wondering why momo and would show up at 8 o'clock in the morning at her house. then she realized it was saturday. SATURDAY.

"oh shit!" chaeyoung cursed as she ran into her house. momo stood by the door just watching the younger girl run around her house putting clothes on.

"wow nice place you got here," momo said as she took a look around.

chaeyoung just hummed as she ran into her bathroom to brush her teeth. she couldnt believe that she had forgotten about her tutor session and now she was going to show up looking like complete trash - not that she cared what the other girl thought of her. wait that was a lie, of course she cared what she thought. chaeyoung cared about what everyone thought of her.

momo took a step into the house. "so i guess math isn't an important subject for you since you can't even remember to get up on time for a tutor session," the girl said sarcastically.

chaeyoung came out with a toothbrush in her mouth. "ya think?"

it didn't take long for the shorter girl to finish fixing her hair and putting on a change of clothes for her to finally be ready. she got into momo's car and they were off to tzuyu's.


"we are here," momo said as they arrived at the brunette's house.

chaeyoung looked ahead. it was a nice cozy house with a black mailbox in front and a large patio. it had an open yard with a small tree and a few plants growing along the trail to her front door. the house itself was rather beautiful - the walls were a nice creamy grey color and the windows and door were a maroon color. this house looked nice, but it was not as nice as the rest of the gang's own.

just as chaeyoung placed her hand out to open the door, momo stopped her. "if i find out that you did anything to tzuyu today, whether it'd be saying a sarcastic remark or doing much worse, i will end you."

the smaller girl sharpened her gaze at the blonde and scoffed. "i'd love to see you try."

"you think i'm messing around, but just wait. the things you do now will come back to haunt you," momo threatened. she was testing the girl to see if she would break but strangely enough, chaeyoung held her head up high and got out of the car.

once momo drove away, the shorter girl turned around and looked over at tzuyu's house. she sighed heavily, dusted off the few specks of dust on her jeans, and followed the path to the brunette's house.

she knocked on the door and heard some shuffling on the other end. chaeyoung stood there, waiting for someone to open the door. she looked at the mini window by the front door, which was covered in curtains, and saw her reflection. the girl then proceeded to fix her hair. With her books in her arm, she straightened up her posture and attempted to look somewhat decent for whoever would open the door – praying to god it was tzuyu.

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