• chapt. 17 | really? really.

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hi reader! you should thank camzbowstho because shes the reason i published again today. she really wanted to read the next chapter and i would not have made it this far if it wasn't for her. PLEASE please please check out her own stories as well (: enjoy the chapter!
- the author

jihyo had just finished filling lisa and jennie in on the details that occurred during lunch yesterday with chaeyoung and tzuyu before school started. both girlfriends were just staring blankly in shock, unable to form any words about the events. this was some juicy gossip.

"you mean to tell me that chaeyoung, our chaeyoung, was giving comfort to tzuyu?" lisa said, her mouth drawing out the words. jihyo sighed and playfully slapped her arm.

"stop acting like its an unusual thing," she responded back.

at this moment, mina walked by with her volleyball team. the three waved at her as she smiled and continued walking ahead. the group had agreed that for the next few weeks, mina should stay away from them for the sake of chaeyoung. the brunette understood and was willing to do whatever it was to make the smaller girl less hurt.

"jihyo, it kinda is," jennie replied bringing attention back to the original situation at hand. "well, at least towards tzuyu it is."

"i'm actually kinda glad though, i knew they are going to end up becoming friends," lisa said, smirking as her girlfriend gave her a glare. jennie scoffed and threw her hair over her shoulders.

"lisa, you still have until the semester ends. i am not paying up just yet!" she said with determination. jihyo just rolled her eyes at her idiotic best friends when she saw chaeyoung approach them through the corner of her eye. their discussion was just going to have to wait till later.

"chaeng! hey how are you?" she said once the smaller girl was within earshot.

chaeyoung, at first, was searching through her bag to find a piece of gum because she had forgotten to brush her teeth this morning, (thanks to her cousin nayoung, she woke up late) but once the red haired girl heard jihyo, she looked up at them with a smile. "i'm okay, i just hate mornings."

they met up with the rest of the group in the cafeteria, something they normally did since some of them liked to get breakfast. no one wanted to mention the exchange they saw between chaeyoung and tzuyu yesterday, in fear that the younger girl would feel like she was cornered. no, they were waiting until she was ready to tell them exactly what was going on.

when the bell rang for first period, chaeyoung, dahyun, and jihyo left to go to english. they walked in and saw miss dilaurentis writing something on the board about a literary discussion and chae just silently cursed under her breath. she hated these things and speaking in class was a no go.

she spotted tzuyu and sana sitting at their desks. this time, tzuyu wasnt wearing shades, but chaeyoung could see that the brunette tried to cover up her black eye with concealer. she didnt like that tzuyu has to do that at all but none the less, she walked into the classroom.

it was sometime after the literary discussion when sana left to go to the bathroom. since chaeyoung and the rest of the group were just fooling around, she got up to check and see if the brunette was okay. it was a feelings she couldnt shake out of her head, and when she realized what she was doing, it was too late. she had already made it to the brunette's desk.

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