• chapt. 2 | she has minions

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"ew rosé what the hell is that?" nayeon exclaimed as she moved the dead frog from the platter. the smell was all too strong so she pulled her shirt over her nose.

"i dont know man, but i want you to know that you are cutting that open," she replied as she scooted in her chair. she pushed the plate more towards a groaning nayeon as the brunette tried to stop herself from gagging.

the four examined the frog they had to dissect and tried to hold back their groans. they thought the smell was horrible before? momo could not stop gagging once nayeon finally had the courage to cut it open! jisoo placed goggles on just in case the blood ended up splashing everywhere. (not that she really needed it, but you can never be too careful in jisoo's eyes)

"nayeon are you even sure you are doing it correctly?" the eldest questioned as she looked into the organs. she began to poke them gently with one of the tools they have been provided.

momo shut her eyes and turned away, clearly disgusted by the sight. rosé simply didnt care and started answering the questions in the lab packet on what she was observing. if they wanted to get this lab done, they needed to focus. (or do what they do best and copy off of rosé's work)

"not a clue, but it looks okay so imma just leave it at that. i will proudly take my A+ on this lab now," she responded happily. jisoo rolled her eyes and began to help rosé with the questions.

it had always been that way from the minute the group was formed. jisoo with rosé, and momo with nayeon. it just felt like the perfect fit in the arrangement of the group. they all seemed to bring out the best in each other.

it wasnt long before momo broke the silence at their lab table. "so...sana filled me in on what happened the other day with tzuyu," she got out as she began to poke the outer skin of the frog with the mini knife.

"yeah the whole chaeyoung incident, huh?" nayeon replied. the brunette did not look up from her dead frog. the blonde girl nodded.

"what do you think we should do?" asked jisoo. they equally took a role in protecting tzuyu. they each though of her as their own sister and didnt hesitate to call someone out if they did so much as look at their little tzuyu the wrong way.

"there is nothing we can do. that stupid freshman thinks she runs the school," momo exclaimed while rolling her eyes. "even if we were to do something, it would be stupid. i mean we are all upperclassmen. what good does it make picking on some girl?"

just because shes got a pretty face and an amazing voice, thought the blonde.

the group let the current topic die off and they ended up finishing their lab before the bell rang. once they disposed of the dead frog, they packed up their stuff and walked out into a crowded hallway.

there was shouting and people yelling all sorts of phrases that the group couldnt understand. was there a fight? momo and rosé pulled put their phones ready to record some action. they made their way through the crowd and at this time, they could hear music playing. not everyday music, no, sexy music.

pony by ginuwine.

when they were at the front of the crowd, their eyes widened in shock. chaeyoung and her group were standing not too far from them. in the middle of the circle, jennie and lisa were grinding on each other as most of the boys were shouting and throwing in money. a few whistles were heard here and there.

jisoo turned to nayeon, but the brunette just stood there and shrugged. rosé shook her head but found it unbearably hard to look away while momo eagerly watched on with a smile on her face. she still had her phone out and when rosé checked, she was recording the whole thing.

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