Whispers of Permission- Ryders POV *Edited*

Start from the beginning

“OH! Sorry man, my mind is somewhere else. Yeah, sure I’ll have some. Don’t have to tell me twice.” I joke hoping that explanation will be enough to save me from questions. It does because next I hear Judge say,

“Hah! Tell you? We never have too. Even if we said you couldn’t you’d help yourself anyway!” Judge says as we shake hands.

“Oh come on! If Chris and Jane heard that you’d never hear the end of it!” I say wondering where their parents are.

“Yeah, I think my parents love you more than us sometimes.” Ace jokes.

“Where are the rents?” I ask.

“Oh, they’re at the Pack house. Alpha Tim called a meeting this morning with the elders. He’s thinking about stepping down. He doesn’t see Josh growing up anytime soon to take his place and he says he’s ready to give up the title of Alpha. So since his son is out of the picture, the next best thing would be his nephew. They’re discussing it all today.” Judge explains.

“Oh, alright. Well I guess it’s just you two that I’ll be asking today.” I say, their faces showing confusion. I lead them to the table and ask them to sit. When they do I take a deep breath, once again trying to single out LC’s scent. It’s easier this time. She must be up and moving around.

“What’s going on man” Judge asks and Ace’s face shows he’s thinking the same thing.

“Well, I’ve known you and your family for a long time and I really do think of you all as my family.” I start.

“Same here Ryder.” Ace says and nods for me to continue.

“Thanks, well, I guess what I’m trying to say is that I hope that I’ve earned your families trust and you all trust me enough to….” I trail off feigning nervousness in hopes of getting a vote of sympathy.

“Trust you enough to…” Judge urges.

“Trust me enough to date your sister.”

The sound of a fork dropping on a plate and a cup being knocked over is the response I get. Oh, and both of their mouths hanging open.

They sat there staring at me and I was starting to get pissed because I was sure they were going to say no. As I open my mouth to inevitably ruin my 23 year friendship with Judge and this family, Judge clears his throat and says, “Ok”.

I shut my mouth and in turn gave them the same look that they both were giving me for the past 2 minutes.

“Man, Ryder. That is really hard for me to agree to. You know that right?”

As he says that, Ace gets out of his chair and leaves the kitchen without a word.

“Don’t worry about him Ryder. He’ll come around. It’s just you know how we are with her. Hell, you’re the same way. You’re always right there scaring all the guys away. In school you were right with me and Ace telling everyone on the team to step off and that’s exactly why I’m saying yes.” Judge explains.

I appreciate that and I could really care less if Ace ever comes around. All I know is that today I get my girl. For good.

Not a minute later Ace comes back into the kitchen and sits down. He looks at me with a slight glare.

“I overheard part of what Judge said and I agree with him. But one...” He says as he puts up his index finger… “…this goes without saying but I’m going to say it anyway, you hurt my sister and I’ll kick your ass. I promise you that. And two…” another finger “…If and when her mate comes, you need to back off. You can’t get in the way of them. Alright? I’d rather just say no to this whole thing but I happen to know that my sister has a crush on you and this would make her happy and that’s all I want. Understand?”

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