"It did hurt-but after a while that subsided and I realised why you did it. But who else did it hurt?"

"Sirius and Remus; for starters. They have already lost three friends but now a further two, but to find out they were part of the reason James and Lily were gone. Bill, Charlie and Tonks- Kasey, Kieran and Luke were their friends. Your parent, my parents and yours were close too."

"It hurt, but not because of you. Daisy, Rossind, Luke, Kasey and Kieran brought it in themselves. You only helped stop them from damaging any thing else!" Fred exclaimed, "you went against your family, and that is huge. I don't think I would be able to do that. Ry, you should be proud of yourself."

"I don't feel proud." She sighed. "I'm sorry, I really am."

"Don't be! I should have know something was up, that whole day you were acting strange, but I was too blind and dense to see it."

Fred and Ryan sat in silence. Neither spoke after that. It wasn't a comfortable silence, but rather and awkward one. They could hear the chatter and laughter from inside the house as everybody celebrated Christmas Eve.

The door to the house opened and George walked out. He plonked himself beside Orion and wrapped his arm around her and looked between her and his brother. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah." Ryan nodded.


"Yeah, Georgie."

George raised his brows, "you two good again?"

"If don't know, are we, Ryan?" Fred said, his heart thumping faster and his hands grew clammy, nerves raking his body.

"I think we are."Her lips tugged up at the corners slightly.

"What are we then?"

A lump formed in her throat. What were they? Did she want to try again with him? Or did she not? She was still trying to get round the fact that she may love him. Did he want to start over? Did he want to get back together with her?

'He wouldn't have asked fucktard!' Her mind screamed at her.

Maybe he just was asking!

'Don't be thick!'

Orion shook the voice from her head and made her decision. "I think we should go back to the way we were." She said. "I think we should go back to being friends.....best friends."

"And forget what we had?" Fred choked involuntarily.

"Not forget, forgetting is like saying goodbye, and I think we've had enough of them in the past year." She explained. "If, in the future, we decide to give it ago, then so be it. But I think after so long of being apart, what we had may not be how we remember it. Besides, best friends isn't the worst thing in the world. I can think of somebody worse to be best friends with. I mean Lee was a little difficult but George, I don't know how we cope." She laughed.

"Hey!" George shouted, taking his arm from her shoulders and looking at her with a fake hurt expression.

"Oh yes, George is an awful person to be best friends with!" Fred joined in.

"You prick!"

"You love us really." Ryan smirked poking him in his cheek.

"Debatable." George jested.

"Dick." Both of them muttered before turning to each other and bursting into fits of laughter.
Orion wrapped her arms around Fred as the hugged, something they missed so much. They stayed in that position for a while before Molly called them in for dinner. The three sat together at the table, Orion in the middle. She changed her hair back to her long red hair to which Sirius cried with happiness. Over dinner the twins enticed in what was happening at the shop and Orion and Charlie spoke about some things at the sanctuary, purposely not mentioning the brunette Pleb that goes under the name of Jasper. Then the talk went into Hogwarts.

"SNAPE IS THE DADA TEACHER?!" Orion exclaimed. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny nodded. "Ugh, next minute you know he'll be Headmaster." She groaned.

The night went away like a flick of a wand, so quickly but so enjoyable. Everyone was happy that Orion and Fred were back to normal, even if they were just best friends.

'Just best friends'

Why? {Third book in the I am Who? Series} *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now