Ch 8 - Assault &Trauma

Start from the beginning

"Mom, why did he marry me?" I asked no longer able to hold myself.

"Eve, what happened dear? Did you two fight?" She asked worriedly.

"Mom you know what? how could you expect us to fight when my so-called husband barely looks at me. So Mom, tell me, what was it that made him marry me and you to accept it?" I asked crying.

"Eve... don't cry my child" she said.

"Mom please tell me?" I was crying now no longer able to hold it.

"Baby he married you so he could get his inheritance" She replied.

"But if he had to be married for inheritance then he could have chosen any woman Mom why did he marry me when he can barely look at me. I can feel the disgust in his eyes for me Mom please tell me" I asked again.

"Oh my god baby please I think you might have read it wrong. He likes you baby" She said trying to convince me.

"Mom you and I both know that is not true. Now tell me why he chose me" I asked.

"He..." I could feel the phone being snatched and there were murmurs when the phone was hung up. I tried calling again but it went to switch off. I dialed the landline but no go.

I sat there on the couch thinking what I learned from my Mom. She said he married me so he could get his inheritance and if that is true then I can ask for divorce since he might have already got what he wanted. Making the decision in my mind, I wiped my tears and composed myself to talk to Mr. Evans. I closed my door and made my way downstairs and then I found rose was cleaning up, so I asked her where Mr. Evans was.

"He is in the library Mam" she said and I made my way towards it. I reached and knocked on the door and when I heard "come in" I entered to see him busy with paperwork.

"Mr. Evans, I need to talk to you" I said nervously.

Only then he noticed it was me he lifted his eyes from his laptop and looked at me intensely and said "Evelyn what is it?"

When I hesitated to say anything because of the way he looked at me, he said "Evelyn if it is about yesterday night about you spending time with Steven in the library then I am not interested".

"Mr. Evans be assured it's not about me and Steven. It is about us" I said immediately. Even I didn't want to tell or relive the event.

"What about it Evelyn as there is no us?" He said in a serious tone.

"I know there is no us and that's why... I want a divorce Mr. Evans" I said and averting his gaze and looked at the floor.

I could see his body stiffened at that and I almost felt he would walk over and hit me but to my surprise, he said in a very calm voice "Evelyn... you know what? I am not here to listen to your childish tantrums if you have something really worth to bring to my notice then please do else leave" 

I was surprised at this that he didn't even ask why but he simply dismissed my talk about divorce like I was talking about the weather. I could no longer take that so I said "Mr. Evans if you think me asking for a divorce is not important to you then I think I will consult a lawyer on that. I was thinking of checking with you before I do that" I said firmly.

Immediately he snapped his laptop shut and stalked towards me which made me step back in fear. The thoughts of being hit or whipped crossed my mind. He closed the distance between us and brought his face near me clenching his jaws and said "Evelyn you are not going to do that".

Though I was afraid of the consequence, I said looking into his eyes" Mr. Evans I am just going to do just that because I don't want to stay married to you".

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