"Sounds perfect," you nodded enthusiastically.

"Good, now buckle in missy, it isn't safe to be in a moving vehicle without a seatbelt on," Calum mothered you, rather hypocritically as his seatbelt wasn't on, but you weren't about to complain and get stuck at home either. So you pulled your buckle down and clicked it into place, satisfying Calum's momstincts.

He was quiet, but still periodically glanced back at you for the rest of the drive there. When you arrived, Calum drove through the parking lot before allowing himself to stop the car and get out.

"I mean it Y/N, stay close," Calum held onto your upper arm as he escorted you inside.

"I know, I know," you sighed and his grip loosened a fraction. He opened the door for you to both enter, and then immediately pushed you behind him and backed up.

Standing at the back of the line were none other than Luke Hemmings, and Ashton Irwin, the heads of the Emperors, Calum and Michael's gang rivals.

Of course you couldn't be so lucky as to have them not spot you, likely because Calum was tall, dark, and covered in tattoos.

"Well, well, well," Luke took step closer, and Calum backed up a little more, taking you with him until your back was against the door. "Ashton would you look at this? It's Calum and Y/N. Out to lunch?"

"Great," Ashton grunted, moving his hand to hold over his bulging waistband. You knew what that meant. Gun.

You had to do something before you or Calum got hurt. You used their obstructed view of you to your advantage as you reached back and grabbed your phone from your back pocket. You knew you needed Michael so you tried to unlock it with your thumb and then hit the button to call him all without watching. You hoped your muscle memory was good because you had no idea if it worked.

"Hey?! What are you doing back there Doll?" Luke's tone was icy as he stepped forward. Oh crap.

"Y/N? Was that Hemmings?" Michaels voice was audible through your speaker.

"Ohhhhhh you're gonna get it for that one Doll," Calum moved to block you again as Luke looked ready to slap you silly.

"Give Luke the phone," Michael's command was heard loud and clear.

The blonde arched an eyebrow and reached behind you, Calum allowing him to grab the phone and twirl it in his tattooed fingers before brining it up to his ear.

"Hello?" He asked casually.

"If you lay so much as one fucking finger on her I will kill you slowly and painfully," came Michael's scarily calm voice, loud and powerful as always.

"Mmmmm, you're not really in a position to bargain. We both know that Calum won't take a shot when she's at risk," Luke grinned nastily. He had Michael right where he wanted him.

"Ha, well you're on my turf and I can track Y/N's phone so-"

Before he could even finish, your phone was on the floor, smashed to pieces. Ashton stepped on it for good measure.

Just then you heard cars roaring in behind you. You craned your neck to see out the glass doors and watch as more black SUVs drive in. They didn't bother parking, but instead one strategically blocked each exit, until Michael got out of the one behind you. He was holding a handgun out in front of him, so both Luke and Ashton did the same, forcing Calum to pull out his as well.

Then he pulled open the door and grabbed you, pushing you behind him like Calum did. Only this time, one of the guys in the car he had been in grabbed you and tugged you inside.

"Wait here," he ordered like you had a choice.

You didn't. You could only watch tensely as the four men yelled at each other, terrifying the staff and customers until Michael and Calum could turn and run for the SUV as well.

You pushed open the door as they came in, "no shooting and they let us leave," Michael exhaled quickly, "and put your seatbelt on."

You smiled, ready to make a snide comment when your stomach rumbled loudly.

"I guess we never did get lunch."

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