Chapter 76: Coming Soon to the Eaton Household

Start from the beginning

"Oh I forgot I was going to tell you something import-ANT!" Amar screams again as he sees us on the floor, "Do you two ever stop!?" he questions and from behind him Tori pops up and her eyebrows shoot up in surprise as she sees me laying onto of Four on the floor with my hair a mess and my lips most likely swollen.
"Maybe this is a bad time..." Tori trails off as her face turns into a look of morbidity and disgust as well.

"Amar she's sixteen and I'm seventeen, we're going to be horny," Four states plainly making my head turn to him in surprise.
"What did you just say young man?" I exclaim and his face drops.
"Aw shit you're having a mood swing now aren't you?" he questions and I push off of his chest making a loud grunt from him as I stand up.
"No this is perfect timing, what did you want to tell us?" I question with arms folded as Four stands up behind me.

"This is actually pretty ironic timing if you ask me," Amar mutters.
"Amar!" Tori exclaims and smacks him on the chest. That's when I begin to see where this is going and Four and I exchange a look of worry before Amar and Tori's hands are interlaced and a look of nervousness and excitement becomes evident on their faces.
"I'm pregnant," Tori breathes out.

Holy shit.

"I can't believe it!" I exclaim happily to the group, "I mean Tori's pregnant... again!" Christina lets out a loud squeal of excitement as Will attempts at holding his girlfriend down.
"We could make so much babysitting money," Lynn gasps and all our heads snap towards her before we roll our eyes at her thought process.
"What if it's a girl!" I turn excitedly to Zeke and he starts squealing and soon Zeke and I are leaping up and down in excitement and I feel as if I'm having some teenage girl moment with him, that is until Four slowly places his hands on my shoulders.

"I also think that with the good news we should carry the bad news," he starts and soon everyone sombers up and looks at him as we begin to see where this is going.
"If Tori has had a miscarriage before there's a higher chance she'll have it again," we all become deadly silent as we remember how both Amar and Tori had changed after they lost their baby, "And with Amar having a child that means it will inherit all of Amar's enemies the same way we did. The only difference is that we're old enough to fight back, this will be just an infant."

Silence once more fills the room as thoughts of what could possibly happen fill our heads and I myself begin to wonder how much it could mess Tori and Amar up if they did have the baby and it died from one of their enemies. Amar would... he would kill everyone who ever had anything to do with the child's death, and after he'd kill all of them God knows what he'd do to himself, end his own life?

"Then we'll protect it," Shauna speaks up and all our heads turn to her as she holds herself with confidence and certainty.
"This child isn't only your family but ours, Amar and Tori are family to us which means their child is as well. We'll protect this child even if it's the death of us, we're family and family protects each other no matter what," she nods her head before locking eyes with Lynn.
"I swear on my life I'll protect it with everything in me," Uriah voices and for once in his life his voice doesn't hold an ounce of humor but a safe and secure promise.
"Me too," Zane nods his head and glances at Lynn and soon everyone is swearing their allegiance and their lives to the unborn Eaton.

"Well I'm glad you all feel that way," a somewhat broken up voice speaks and out of the doorway steps Amar as he enters the very basement that we'd stayed in for a week not too long ago.
"Cause the child, it'll need more protection than I can offer and I can't tell you how much you guys mean to me by saying that," it seems as if Amar might cry but never in my entire existence have I ever seen or heard of him crying. Yet right here right now, as his younger friends promise to protect his unborn child he seems moved enough to shed a single tear.


"I love you," I smile, "I really really really really love you!" I chirp up at Four as he keeps his eyes on the road and a small smile on his face.
"Now are you only confessing your love for me because I decided to take you shopping or would you like to ask for another thing?" he teases and my jaw drops.
"Can I not just tell my boyfriend how much I love and cherish him!" I exclaim as I unbuckle my seatbelt to lean over and kiss him on the cheek.

"Tris I'm driving!" he laughs as I place a kiss on his cheek and then continue to kiss other spots on his face.
"Tris I have to see the road!" he laughs harder only encouraging me. Finally once I decide that I've showed him enough love I give him one last kiss on the cheek before plopping back into my seat. I slowly reach across my body to grab the seatbelt and yank on it as it somehow got stuck on the chair. Finally once I get it undone I cross it over my body but right before I can click it in Four screams, "Oh shit!"

My head snaps up as I see a large car right in front of us, my fingers tighten around the seatbelt that has yet to secure me in and suddenly I watch everything slow. My body is flying forward as Four's painful shouts fill the air around me, the dark blue car presses harder to ours as my head continues to move forward slowly. My arm gets caught on the seatbelt causing my body to turn and my back to be headed straight for the windshield, pain seeps throughout my whole body as glass shatters on my back creating something like a scream to escape my lips.

I watch as Four's car becomes farther and farther away and I fly through the windshield and watch Four's face turn into one of horror as I float farther and farther away from the car until pain meets my hands, then my knees and red liquid oozes from the impact on the road until finally my head snaps onto the ground.

Oh death we meet again.


You guys want me to update sooner? Well FYI I will NOT be updating this story until my other story Tainted reaches 300 views. I know it kinda sounds like I'm bribing you into reading my book (which I actually am) but please there's only 3 chapters published so far so it's not like a whole book yet :)  I love you guys so much and thanks for reading!! xoxoxox

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