#6 : Mama

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I almost puked after riding that rollercoaster ride. I really hate scary amusement attractions, but I rode it since Hobi forced me to. I know that I'm so red by now because of that ride. My legs are also wobbly. I can't actually feel them! I feel like my heart was left on that ride!

"Let's go grab some cotton candy!" Hobi dragged me to a cotton candy stand. I was about to pay when he told me that it's his treat. The vendor looked at us and smiled.

"You're such a lovely couple," the vendor said and handed us a big heart-shaped cotton candy. I want to tell him that me and this boy beside me is not a couple. I thought Hobi brought two, so I waited for the vendor to make another one. "What are you waiting for?" He asked.

"Ah, aren't you going to make another one for me?" I asked and pointed the cotton candy. The old man chuckled and told me that the heart-shaped cotton candy is for two people already. I was embarrassed, alright. I stomped my foot on Hobi's sneakily and thanked the vendor. I heard him groan a little and I smirked. I dragged him out of there and glared at him. He is laughing so hard. "Argh! I hate you!" I told him and left him on that place. As I was washing out thr crowd, I felt someone hold my wrist. I turned back and saw Hobi. He then dragged me to a bench and we sat there.

"I'm just trolling you, so there's no need to be pissed off." He said and handed me the half heart-shaped cotton candy. I teased him by making a face. I repeated what he said, but I did it exaggeratingly. "Yah! That's not how I said that!"

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and grabbed the cotton candy away from him. I started munching large portions of it until I finished it in just 2 minutes. I'm a fast eater, okay?

I glanced at him, but got shocked when I saw how near his face is to mine. He's smiling with his eyes again. He stood up, handed me his hand and once I took it, he dragged me to a stall.

I don't know what's the real catch between us. We're just really close friends since we're friends since we're like 4? Yeah, something like that. People say that we're like a couple already because of how close are we. Those people who knows us say that we should just date each other since it looks like we're fond of each other. I don't get them, tho.

I don't have any feelings for him. He's just a friend.

We stopped at a stall. The guy inside handed us toy guns and told us that we just have to hit the stack of cans all at once using these guns. Hobi paid again, though I don't want him to. He insisted, anyway. I don't want to waste money, too, so I just let him. Nah, I'm not cheap. I'm just saving money for my college.

We started playing the game and I won a prize. I got this huge racoon stuff toy. I laughed at Hobi for being such a weakling at playing those kind of games.

"Yah! You should thank me for that! I paid!" He ranted as he's pointing this doll. I just made a face and then we went to different booths to play. We won a lot of toys and it seems like the kids are jealous of how good we are at playing.

"Wanna ride another attraction?" He asked, biting the juice straw. He bought a juice earlier and it's all empty now, so he's chewing the straw instead.

"No, thanks." I shook my head and we both decided to go home. He brought me home as usual and then of course, my mom would invite him for dinner and he'll eat with us. He's so thick-skinned.

"How was your friendly date today with Momo?" Mom asked and glanced at Hobi. He looked at me shortly and his eyes went back to mom.

He smiled, "She is so fun to be with. I really enjoyed our date earlier and I wish it could happen again." I want to tell mom that Hobi keeps on teasing me and such, but she'll just surely say that the men who teases you the most likes you more than just a plain friend. I believe that her belief is not true at all.

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