Will You Be The Lyric To My Song?

Start from the beginning


I hope you liked your gifts so now doll yourself up quickly cuz you have only an hour for that. Will see you at 7 and ya before you start worrying about Abhi let me tell you he's out on a date with mukti so now rush princess because your prince can't wait to see you.

Nandini was all flushed after reading the message but somehow composed herself and rushed in the washroom to get ready. She stepped out of the washroom in her bathrobe after a warm relaxing shower and then started drying her damp hair. She applied minimal makeup and curled her hair loosely from the bottom yet making them look natural and then got herself changed in the dress that manik had gifted her. She wore her earrings and her wrist accompanied the bracelet manik gifted her on her birthday looking no less than a princess. It was already 6:45 pm and manik would be reaching any moment to pick her up. Her heart started racing suddenly as she felt nervous again about what she was going to say but yet calmed herself.

Nandini: nandu calm down okay. Breathe in. Breathe out (takes a deep breath and releases it) This is just manik and you know that he feels the same for you as you do for him then why are you nervous? Calm down and go with the flow ya? Ya!

She spoke looking at her reflection in the mirror when her phone buzzed to life. The caller brought a smile on her face with a tiny blush rushing up her cheeks.

Phone Convo

Nandini: hello

Manik: I am waiting downstairs....come soon. Can't wait to see you now

Nandini*blushing*: I will be there in two

She cut the phone and went downstairs after wearing the heels manik gifted her that completed her look not before having a final look in the mirror.

Manik was waiting eagerly for her downstairs, leaning on his car pretending to be busy with his phone so that he doesn't look too desperate when he heard the clicking sound of heels and he looked up to find nandini all decked up looking no less than a mesmerizing dream.

Nandini reached near him and for a moment she felt her heart skip a beat seeing that Greek god in front of her who was looking devilishly handsome in that white T-shirt paired with his white blazer with neon piping and blue faded denims. She could not take her eyes off him and same was the case with manik, his intense gaze was making nandini nervous and her cheeks by now had turned crimson. After a long admiring each other session nandini built up some courage and spoke.

 After a long admiring each other session nandini built up some courage and spoke

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Their attires (sorry couldn't get a better picture)

Nandini* softly*: manik chale?

Manik*coming out of his trance*: ya ya lets go but before that (pulls her towards him by her waist) you look breathtaking my star

He whispered down her ear and pecked her cheek making nandini blush all the more.

Nandini*shyly*: thanks

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