"My position of Hatchery gaurdian has been moved. Im going to be the new gaurdian of the hatchery at Firebase Charley with you guys." he stated with a smile.

"What!?" Nina said, her tone was full of excitment. This news also made me feel a little better about Charley.

"Yup!" he said laughing.

"5 Minutes guys!" A human called from the rear hatch. He quickly walked away as the sound of the engines priming sang through the cabin.

"Got everything?" Cloud asked us.

"Of course." I replied as I walked to the eggs. Nina walked past me and lay down with them. Curling around to keep them safe. Mark sat down beside her and the eggs. I lay across from Mark beside Nina, and cloud lay beside me.

"Charley isnt that bad. ive been there before a few times." Cloud said with a yawn. This in turn caused me to yawn.

"Shits contageous." I laughed as the engines began to gain RPM, in preperation for takeoff.

"I know." Mark yawned before laying down. I put my head between my paws and sighed. I just wished Ren was with us as well. The team felt empty without him. One things for sure though, im going to find and kill whoever killed Ren. I yawned as the V-22 beganto lift off the carrier deck. It was a 5-9 hour flight from the Draco to Firebase Charley, and there was nothing to do but rest, and I definantly needed the rest. I glanced at Nina and the eggs one last time. They seemed to be alright and safe. With this in my head, I closed my eyes and slowly began to drift off.

I woke with a jump as the V-22 touched down at the firebase. The others had been roused as well and were looking around with well rested eyes.

"Were here!" the pilot called as the engins wer shut off and everything grew quiet. Seconds later, the hatch opened and cool,dry, night air swarmed the cabin. I stood and stretched as I looked toward Nina. She was yawning and stretching as well. I grabbed one of the eggs and nina grabbed the other.

"Our gear can wait a little bit." I said as i exited the hatch. The sun had just began rising over the horizon. Sand covered as far as the eye could see. How i hated the sand. How it stuck to my paws when i walked. How it seemed to always be hotter than hell during the day, I already missed the Draco, and the ocean.

"Preatty." Nina said motioning toward the rising sun.

"Yup, now lets get the eggs to the hatchery and report to the Commanding Officer of the base." Mark said going to my side.

"That would be me." a males voice said from the backside of the V-22. I turned to see a man in is 50's approaching us. The years had been good to him. There was little to no grey hairs on his head. He had a well trimmed face with no facial hair. He seemed to stand around 5'10, and looked to be a very good and trustworthy leader.

"I am General Jackson. Its good to have you under my deployment." He said smiling as he came to a stop infront of us.

"Nice to mee you sir. Im Shadow. This is Nina, my mate, Cloud, and Mark." I said introducing the others.

"Ahh the new gaurdian. Lets get you all to your rooms, and you to the hatchery." Jackson said as he turned and began walking away from us. We quickly followed.The firebase was quite large for being a temporary post. From the helo pads, i could make out 10 Cannon barrels over the top of the buildings. They seemed to be 105's from the look of em. THere was one hanger with its door open on the right side of the base. I could make out 2 V-22's, 2 Blackhawks, and a Predator drone inside. It seemed to be a nice fit for the 5. the the left i could see the mess hall, an Infirmary, a few barracks, and an armory. There was also a Wash station to the right beside the Hanger, and i thought i could see the Hatchery beside that one. Large fences surronded the base, with one way in and out. There were 6 gaurd towers in all. One at each corner of the base, and one on either side of the entry road. we walked toward the washroom and passed it, instead going to the hatchery beside it.

From Soldiers Rifle To Dragons Wings: Resistance (BOOK 4)Where stories live. Discover now