Chapter 1: "Gotcha"

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Ć H Á P Ť E Ř  1

The crimson coloured liquid drenched the cloth as the sixteen year old brunette wiped at her dagger. It was currently covered in Mr. Whites, Rogues latest victim, blood and she didn't want it to stain.

She hummed a tune softly as she grabbed a white sheet. She diligently craved an 'Ř' into his forehead before covering his bloody body with the white sheet.

Her teacher, Master Aaron always told her to mark her victims. Show that you had done it and in his words: "You should be proud of your work."

Sadly she wasn't proud of her work.
She never is when she's killing victims, even if they were the scum of the earth.

She rolled her shoulders hearing the faint click of bone. She sighed and let the dagger spin through her fingers, she slipped it into her belt and turned walking towards the window.

She looked out the opened window at the night sky. "I'm sorry." She mumbled jumping onto the windowsill. "I really am..."

Rogue landed on her feet perfectly, she pulled up the hood of her coat and began running through the woods.

She blended into the shadows as she ran, her footsteps silent and so where the woods. She came to a halt seeing the faint flicker of a campfire. She silently crept towards it, her curiosity getting the better of her.

She hid behind a tree, her eyes on the four men surrounding the fire. Hopefully she would be able to get passed them, retrieve her money and go home, or at least to the small cabin she called home.

Her eyes scanned around their surroundings. Two men were asleep in sleeping bags while the other two were most likely guarding. They had four horses, bags wrapped around them.

She chewed her bottom lip, a clear habit she wanted to stop but couldn't. She darted to the next tree quietly, peeking to make sure the four men didn't notice. Lucky for her they didn't.

She kept darting to trees, peeking once and a while to make sure they were still oblivious. She was almost away from them when a hand firmly gripped her shoulder.

She restrained a surprised gasp from leaving her lips. She gulped nervously and turned to face whoever had grabbed her shoulder. Looking up she was met with a man, not even three years older than her.

The man's piercing blue eyes met her hazel ones, to her amusement she watched him stiffen. "Ma'am what are you doing in the woods and at this time?"

Rogues' assassin's identity was unknown to everyone, including her clients. How she got the money was easy, they left it in a place she asked them to leave it in. When she didn't see anyone she'd retrieve it and go home. All they knew was the symbol she craved into her victims.

Realising she hadn't said anything she cleared her throat. "A night walk." She said simply and she hoped in the dark he couldn't see the small blood spots.

He eyed her curiously and she eyed him. He was tall and lean with surprisingly pale skin that seemed as if he had never seen the sun. He had high cheek bones, pitch black hair longer than most soldiers she's seen.

The first thing she couldn't get her eyes off was his piercing blue eyes.

"A walk huh? Then why are you covered in blood?" Her eyes widened as she froze.

Oh shit.

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