Chapter Twenty-One ✓

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I squirm in the soft and fluffy bed, with someone's arm wrapped around my waist and his breath right at my neck. Wait, bed? Arm? Breath? What happened? I remember fainting and that argument and- Kevin! He's leaving!

I looked behind me, looking at whoever was holding me so tight. It's him. Kevin. I let out a sigh of relief and start to cry.

"Kevin," I sob as I hug him back. All the relief washed over me.

"Hailey?" He groans, slowly waking up. "What's wrong?" He wiped my tears and pulls my head onto his chest. He still smells like vanilla.

"I thought you were leaving," I could barely whisper.

"I can't and will never leave the person I love. I didn't make you explain and I'm sorry. I declined the offer at the last minute. I love you, Hailey. I will never leave you."

I sit up and so does he, pulling me into his arms. I look up at him and couldn't help but cry even more.

"I'm sorry, Kevin. I love you, so much."

He holds my hand and draws circles on my palm and I felt warm inside. He leans closer to me and kisses my forehead, assuring me that everything will be okay. I told him about me and Jake getting divorced and how Jake cheated on me. He made me stay in bed for the rest of the evening and brought the food into the room. He helped me eat and gave me some medicine, since I did get a cold from getting wet in the rain. He took care of me, not just physically but emotionally. He made me smile like never before and laugh like there was no tomorrow. Laughter indeed is a great medicine, but not the greatest. Love is the greatest medicine, with the proper dosage.

The next day, Kevin and I went back to the hospital and visited my dad who is currently in a comatose. I held his hand and cried, praying for him to stay strong. 

He places his hands on my shoulder and massages it a bit. "He'll be okay, everything will be okay. We just have to wait and believe" I smile at him, mouthing a teary-eyed "Thank you."

Yes, I'm really grateful that he's still here for me, after all that happened.

I don't feel giddy, I feel secure. I don't feel scared of being replaced or being a burden. I don't feel at all worthless. I feel important, needed and loved. I need and want him and he craves for me back, with passion and burning love. We carve names in our love tree, not scars on our hearts. We pull heartstrings, not our hair. We make love, not war. And you know what?

That's how I knew, he's the one.

And that's what brings us to the present, 3 years after it all happened. Me and Jake signed our divorce papers 4 months after that. I'm happily dating Kevin for almost 3 years, since he waited for my divorce before asking me to be his.

And I'm happy.


No word in the Oxford dictionary can explain how I'm feeling right now, okay maybe it does have a word but you get my point.

My phone rings and I answer it with a smile. "Yes?"

"H-Hailey, you have to come out your house! It's an emergency!" I hear Emily say through the call.

"What happened?"

"It's Kevin, just wait outside your house. John and I will come and fetch you," she says then ends the call. I was startled and started to panic. Just when everything was going perfectly fine. I quickly grabbed my wallet and phone, running out of the house.

Emily and John drove really fast in their Audi and I went in, going to our destination.

What could've happened to him?

The car starts to slow down and Emily tosses me a blindfold. "Put that on"

"What? Why?"

"You're scared of blood, remember?"

"What?" I grew more concerned at the thought that blood was even shed. "I don't care! I need to see him!"

"Hailey, just do it for, Kevin. He doesn't want to see your hurt expression so just do it."

I followed their order and put the blindfold on. This is a bit exaggerated but, I'd do anything for Kevin.

Emily guides me out of the car once it stops. She suddenly starts to take my top off. "You need to change"

"What? Emily be serious here!"

"I am. Don't look hideous in front of Kevin!" She scolds me and tosses me a top, that I can't see but I put it on. She continues to guide me wherever we are.

I hear the crunch of leaves beneath our feet and she stops. She lets go of me and walks away. I hear footsteps again and she holds my hand again, but the hand was different. It was bigger and a bit rough. The hand finds its way on my cheek and lift my head up, and the person kisses me.

He lets go and I hear shuffling of feet. "Take the blindfold off," he commands, and I do so, recognizing the voice.

The first thing I did after taking it off was cry and scold him. "That wasn't funny! You scared the hell out of-" I was cut off by the scene in front of me, and his chuckle. Kevin was kneeling on one knee and holding out a ring. He takes my hand and kisses it.

"You know I don't like being boring" he smirks. "Anyways, Hailey, I love you and I've always wanted to do this, to one day kneel before you. But what I also want to happen is to grow old with you, to see our kids run around, or kid if you don't want too many-" he winks, "- and I want to see you walking down the aisle with your beautiful gown, and I would cry at the perfect sight-"

"Nobody's perfect," I interrupt.

"Will you be my Nobody? Will you marry me, Hailey?" He smiles and I smile back.

"Yes, I will marry you," he puts the ring on my finger and lifts me up, kissing me.

"I love you," he says.

"I love you more," I smile.

"I love you most."

~End of Book~


*cries* The book is done, please comment if you want me to post a bonus chapter and comment down below the questions you ask yours truly *bows* and the characters of the story.

Thank you for all your votes and comments and every single support and love that you've shown this two-part book.

Bai~ See you guys in the next book/update


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