Chapter Thirteen ✓

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I said goodbye to my mom and dad as I stepped out of the house, closing the door behind me. I stopped my tracks when I see a pair of feet in front of me. Before I looked up, I put a smile on my face, to hide the fact that I bawled my eyes out. 

"You're here," I greeted, but to the wrong person. 

"Who's here?" Jake asked. 

"Kevin." I said bluntly. 

"You we're going to hang out with your little ex?" He scoffs.

How could he say that? He knew about my past and he even had his own infidelity out there and he talks like I'd go and fuck my ex too?

"What's it to you? I want to make it up to him, cause I stood him up." I glare at him as I say these words like poison.

"Hailey, please I'm sorry, I'll stay away from her, I'll block her number, I'll-"

"Weren't you supposed to do that before? Wasn't I supposed to be your main priority? You just made me your rebound." I felt myself tear up as I kept going. "You loved her too much that you just can't let her go."

"That was my mistake, so please.." he begs.

"Give me time and space, a month or something."

"What? I can't wait that long, Hailey," he grasps my shoulders and kept begging. As if on cue, Kevin pulls up in front of our house, immediately rushing to my aid and pulling me closer to him.

"Stay out of this, Kevin." Jake shouted at him.

"I don't think I can when you can't even respect her saying 'no'," he answered.

"You can't act like you're better than me when you didn't even respect her when you had her," Jake snarls, sending a dirty glare in Kevin's way.

"Let's just leave, Kevin."

"That's it? You're just going to leave?" And with that, Kevin gently brings me to his car and gets me out of there. Everything else Jake said were just muffled to me now. 


As Kevin leads me to the bench, I remember some memories, the times we laughed here. We always end up in simple places like these. I love that.

He and I sit down and he gives me a smile. "Are you okay?"

"Not really."

"Take your time to gather your thoughts. Even if I don't know what had happened, I'm sure you didn't deserve it. You already went through a lot."

"Thank you for understanding and for protecting me back there," I mumbled. 

"I'd always love doing that, okay?" I just nod in reply. He cradles my head and brushes a stray hair behind my ear. I was going to push him away but my need for comfort and consolation felt far greater right now. He lets go and smiles sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. "Sorry, I'm getting carried away."

What I did next with surely surprised him. I rest my head on his shoulder and sighed. "Can we please just stay like this?"

"Okay," He holds me close, without question and lets me rest.

~Kevin's Pov~

I feel all the pity in the world for her and guilt that I left her. I feel regret that I let an amazing girl like her go and walk out of my life.

Letting her go? That's one of the worst mistake- actually, it's the worst mistake of my life. I wish I could take her back, that I can treat her better.

I didn't want to take advantage of her healing heart but I didn't mind being her rebound. I didn't care if she just used me to get over the pain, I deserved that much as a payment of what I did to her before. 

I start telling her stories of all the shit I got myself into while she and I were apart, making her laugh. She felt bad when I told her about how much the guys had to babysit me when I couldn't stay sober for a month, not even a week. 

She on the other hand, told me about how she quickly got promoted at her parent's company even if she worked at home. 

At some point, we got some drinks and snacks and were tipsy at this point, but not completely drunk. 

"If I could have a second chance, I'd treat you much  much better than I should have." I confessed and promised. She looked like she was going to reject me again but instead, she smiled at me. 

"Thank you, Kevin."

"It's my pleasure to spend time with you."

To my surprise, she leans closer. 

"Hailey, I think you're drunk and heartbroken," I held her still. She only shook her head and held my hands before kissing me. I couldn't help but kiss back at that moment, if this is the chance I could show her I was a better man than I once was then I'd gladly take it. 


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