Chapter Seventeen ✓

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"Hailey, I know it's not my business to know about you and him so please don't feel pressured to tell me," he reassures me.

"I planned to tell you eitherway," I smiled, he stayed silent so I continued. "Jake and I were having our movie night and I fell asleep. I woke up and heard his voice from the kitchen and he was talking to someone over the phone."

"About what?"

"His-," This is the moment when the phone rings and cuts us off. I hold my finger up and smiled at him apologetically before I look at the caller ID. It's mom. I wonder what happened?

"Hailey, Honey," Her voice sounded hoarse and it was trembling.

"What's wrong?"

"It's your dad.. He-" My mom could no longer speak as he starts to sob over the phone. I instantly get what she was trying to say.

"Mom, calm down and tell me what happened," My voice cracks but I try to calm down not wanting my mom to hear me cry, because if I did she'll cry even more. I felt someone's hand gently find its way on the small of my back. 

"What happened, Hailey?" Kevin asks me. I ended the call and cried my eyes out. Kevin pulls me into a hugs and rubs my back. The same hand finds its way onto my hair and he caresses it, shushing by my ear to try and calm me down.

"My dad was rushed to the ER. He had a heart attack and he's in critical condition." I sob.

"I'm so sorry to hear that," He holds me closer. "Let's go and visit him now, will that calm you down?" He suggests. All I do in reply is nod.


We ran to the hospital as soon as we parked and I slow down my tracks before stopping to a halt when I see my father being rushed into the operating room. I'm going to lose my dad...

I hiccup and choke on my own tears as I start to have a breakdown. Kevin immediately hugs me and calms me down.

"It's going to be all okay, I'm not certain but I know it will be because I believe and for this to work, I need you to believe too, okay?" All I do is nod at the assurance Kevin gave me. He holds me closer as the doctor comes out and that's when I notice my mother standing by the door. Kevin and I begin to walks towards them.

"He is in need of serious surgery, but it will cost a lot." The doctor announces. My mother's hands jump to her mouth. I can help them, I can help dad.

"I have the money, it's fine. We can provide," Kevin says before I could.

"Kevin, please, you don't have to," I look at him.

"I insist," He smiles and then at my mother as she returns.


An hour later, I decided to ask him the mind-boggling question.

"Why did you do that?" I asked.


"Why would you want to help us? I have the money for it, so why?"

"It's the least I can do to make it up to you, and this is just the start."

"Make it up to me?"

"For breaking you heart," he says with a warm smile. "But I want to do this, don't worry," he looks me straight in the eye. "Even if you're married, I still love you." He pulls me to him and kiss my forehead. 

Maybe it's time to end this game with Jake and be with Kevin again.


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