Chapter Three ✓

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As the events started off, Emily introduced us to this new feast style from a different country. The table was covered with huge banana leaves and the food was layered on that. She taught us how to eat with our hands and we made a mess at first but it was fun. It was a great start for the evening. 

John and Emily proposed to sing around the bonfire while catching up. The night went by so fast that we didn't realize it was almost 3am. Everyone started to head to bed and Jake kissed my forehead before heading inside too. He must've been tired because he helped with the cooking and everything else.

The only people left were me and Emily.

"So, happy with Jake huh?"

"Definitely," I smile, looking over at the ocean and the moon's light reflecting on it.

"Do you still find yourself relapsing?" she asks, clearly worried about me. 

"I do but a lot less, Jake has put me in a really good place, Em," I proudly tell her. It was true, Jake brought me comfort and safety from my own thoughts. 

"Of course, those are scars. Wounds heal but they leave scars when it keeps being opened or if it's too big to heal on its own," she pats my back. 

"Scars look horrible, Em," I answered. 

"But scars also signify the battles you've gone through, you can cover it up with make up or tattoos but they will still be there," she smiles sadly. "I think it would be better if you focused on your growth after the wound, like how you avoided creating the same wrong decisions."

"Out of sight, out of mind," I agreed with her. 

"Exactly, but still learn from it, right?"

After Emily and I continued to catch up on everything, including her guess at John's proposal. Before she and I headed to bed, a familiar voice stopped me from my track. 


I turned around and faced him with all the strength I could muster. 



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