"No, Grace, listen," I said, "I have to tell you something"

She nodded.

"I like you, too" I said, "But I have to tell you something that happened last night."

"Isabelle and I, we went to Tyson's party." I said, "There were many other people but we ended up drunk and alone in my room."

Her eyes widen, almost like she knew what I was going to say next.

"I don't know what exactly happened but when I woke up this morning I was alone in my room, .........naked." I said, struggling to pick the right words, "Isabelle left a note that said 'sorry', but I haven't talked to her"

There was a long pause. She was probably trying to figure out exactly how to react. I might be exaggerating but it was exactly like in the movies, I could hear every single sound from the room, the clock ticking and the sound of my heart beating as I waited for her reply.

"I-I..." She paused, "There really is nothing I can say or do."

I wasn't sure what she meant.

"What happened, no matter what it is, happened." She said, "It doesn't change the fact that we have feelings for each other but you should go and talk to her."

I nodded, "I'm sorry, getting wasted was a bad idea"

"It's not 'okay', but you're in high school, no high schooler ever did anything that was 'okay'" She smiled.

I smiled back, "Now, I'll go heat these up, and we'll have dinner" I stood up and made my way to the kitchen with our pizza.

It was unreal, knowing that Grace had feelings for me, but it also scared the shit out of me. Grace wasn't like Rebecca, she is way better than Rebecca could ever be.

How different can people be, though?

I shook my head to get rid of the thought, I'm happy now, I should cherish that. I don't know what Grace wanted to do with this, the unnamed relationship that we have, but I know I want her.

"What are you thinking?" Grace said, I was pulled out of my thoughts, we were on the way back to my house now.

"About my biology test that's coming up" I teased, though I really didn't know what I was going got do with the test.

She frowned, "Do you really hate it that much?"

"It's not that I hate it," I explained, "I really don't get it."

"Hmm.." She frowned again, but quickly turned it into a smirk, "I'll tutor you"

"You mean," I said, "more biology after school?"

"I mean," She said, "more Grace after school"

"Hmm" I pretended to think even though I was all for more alone time, "if you insist"

She pushed my shoulder with her spare hand, "I hate you sometimes"

"I hate you too," I said, "when you give a lot of homework"

"Oh my god, would you not remind me I'm your teacher for one minute" She said as she parked the car.

"No, Ms.Lewis." I smiled at her, but she looked forward.

"Parker, did you leave the lights on when you left the house this morning?" Grace asked.

"No, wh-" I looked towards my house, the living room lights were on, "wait what"

"Maybe your mom is home?" Grace said.

"I don't know, we'll have to find out." I said, as I reach for her hand, knowing that she made up that excuse because she was scared. Also because I needed an excuse to hold her hands.

I opened the door slowly, still not sure whether someone had just broke into my house or my mom was back. Then I saw Isabelle, staring right at us. Right. She knew where the spare keys were.

"Well," Grace said after letting out a relieving sigh, "I'll let you two talk"

"I-I'll see you tomorrow?" I said, not knowing how to interact with her, was I supposed to kiss her goodbye or something?

She chuckled, tip toed and kissed me on the forehead, "Bye"

I watched her as she walked out of the house, then I remembered Isabelle was still there.

"Uh," I opened my mouth to speak, but didn't know the right words.

"What was that" Isabelle asked, in a tone I wasn't sure what make of.

"Uh, Grace and I, we, uh" I tried to explain.

"That was actually so amazing! Congratulations Kara" She let our a smile.

"You, you're not mad?" I was confused, wasn't she going to be mad at me or something? I mean we did do something, right?

"No, what the fuck," She shouted, "I am so fucking happy for you right now"

I just stared at her, this was completely opposite to what I expected.

'Okay, listen, I really don't want to talk about what happened last night, I just came to tell you to forget it but you weren't home so I invited myself to wait inside." She explained.

"O-Oh, okay" I said, "So, we're good now?" I asked.

"Yes," She said, making her way out, "And last night will never ever be mentioned again"

I nodded, but I doubt she saw, she was out of the house before I said anything else.


hey guys! i've written sequels for some of the characters in this story(Charlie, Kara and Grace), please comment if there are other characters you would like to see a sequel of! 

most of them will be short, around 20 chapters each*

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