When Her Mate Moves Into Town(Authors Note)

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Cover by the awesomely incredible Breezie1! Thank you so much! :)

Hi everyone! Just want to give you all a heads up. This is my first story! I'm excited but a little taken a back by the way that I've decided to go ahead with this story. I'm a sucker for HAPPY and yes, cliche love stories with HAPPY endings. (SPOILER ALERT: It will have a happy ending. END SPOILER ALERT) And in all it will be a happy story but just planning it out in my head, there will be some dark/sad moments in it. I guess this is kind of a warning for those like me who just want to read happy stuff! Haha! I guess when you write your own story, things change huh? Well, since I'm in the "Warning" mood here's another:

WARNING: This story will contain mature content and may have some material that is hard for some to read. If you don't think you can handle please don't read this.

I just hope you all will like it and stick with me till the end of this story. This is a Student/Teacher Romance and it takes place in the main characters Senior year in High School so I don't really see a sequel happening. There's not much you can do after they leave the school. You know? I do have an idea for a prequel though. I don't know. We'll see how everything works out.

So yeah, I really do hope you guys like it. If any one has ideas for me don't hesitate to PM me! :) Ok, bye!

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