Chapter 57- Little But Memory

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Chapter 57

Little But Memory

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's, Energy Magic, and Ideas


The sound of water rippling echoed on the cold air, a man stopped in the dim, only able to see little in front of him, his blue eyes flashing in the darkness. He stood still, each small movement sending the floor under his feet rippling, it wasn't earth, nor stone, all around him into the darkness stretched a great sea of still water, and he walked upon it's surface as if it were actually solid. An eerie, crimson and green low seemed to emanate from the depth of the water, illuminating very little, but tinging the darkness oddly around him.

He blinked, slowly glancing around and seemingly calm with what was otherwise a very odd place to anyone- but this was normal, natural even. This place had been ingrained into his very being for as long as he could remember. Though why he was here now he was unsure, he hadn't even been aware he had been pulled here, until suddenly the water was rippling under his feet, and he felt the darkness and the deepness on all sides.

It was silent, utterly so, and still, cold. Empty maybe, but he knew better than to believe that. He knew well there were things out there, always in shadow and always out of sight no matter how far he could travel in any endless direction here. It went on forever, and always, always there was something there, something large, something powerful, it always watched, and he needn't guess what it was.

But something was different, in this place that had become so familiar to him, somewhere far past the reality of the waking world, and far below that of anything else, it was acting off. He could feel it, this place moved slowly, so slowly... but things were moving around him, fidgeting, the air crackling as he searched the shadows, ever aware that incessant sense of being watched was growing stronger, and that endless, ever present thing in the dark wasn't still, it wasn't sleeping as it usually did.

It was awake, it was circling, and the entire reality itself was moving in reaction to it, shaking, pulling.

".... What's happened...?" He breathed, mumbling under his breath to himself, and sweatdropping slightly. "... this place should not be moving this fast... what could possibly disturb anything here..?" He hissed, the idea was not a pleasant one. This place was eternal, it never changed... and yet it was reacting to something now, and there was no doubt it would have to be something monumental to make this place stir like this.

He stiffened, his head turning a he felt something suddenly somewhere behind him, his eyes narrowed and glinting in the darkness as his face fell, looking astounded.

".... Y... you....?" He stammered, "..... how... how are you here...? You....." He went a little pale, his eyes flashing as he took in a small intake of breath, his heart dropping.

"..... when...?"


"Oi! What are you doing all the way out here in the rain?"

The pink haired 12 year old boy's head snapped upward, his mouth and nose buried in the white scaled scarf around his neck. He was soaked, his clothes dripping with wet and his hair weighed down by the moisture, his shoulders hunched and hands holding on to the pack on his shoulders, the bag weighed down as the small blue Exceed curled up into a ball inside of it to avoid the rain. He turned around toward the sudden call behind him, looking stunned a little stunned, having been unaware of anyone behind him at all, the land around him was dim and dark, there wasn't even the distant shine of a town, they were too far out in the country for such a sight. The blue Exceed popped his head out from the bag at the voice, both their eyes locking to the figure of an older blonde girl with silver eyes a ways behind them, standing higher up the rolling and rocky hills they were traveling over from them.

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