Chapter 55- This Day

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Chapter 55

This Day

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's, Energy Magic, and Ideas


"Welcome, Malunafrey. This will be the day, the day our ritual begins, and one that we partake in together."

Frea whipped about, her body rigid and senses on high alert as the waves of black spun around her being, pushing and pulling relentlessly, the Thing's voice hissing more loudly than ever. The ground was moving rapidly under her feet, making her stumble all the more with the relentless pushing and pulling.

This Magic was overwhelming, she couldn't make out anything around her, no scents, no Energy, she was drowning in a world composed entirely of stifling, incredible power. All her senses were cut off because of it, but she struggled against the waves of black as best she could.

"Are you prepared? You've been doing your best to make sure of it this last month, have you not?" The voice went on, Frea hissed as a wave crashed into her hard enough to send her sprawling, her body aching at the impact.

"Fitting I think... That this is the day our Rite shall begin."

Frea's body bounced against a floor, her bones aching at the sheer force that rammed into her, she couldn't manage to stand back up she was being pummeled so hard.

"Have you made peace with your crime, Malunafrey?"

She coughed, the breath driven from her as she was smashed into the floor hard enough she felt it gave in around her.

"Are you ready to be responsible for another?"

Frea yelled out in pain, bouncing backward as she was thrown. The black around her suddenly flowed away as if it had been grabbed and ripped from the air itself, she found herself hitting hard, cool stone as the scent of mountain air and water hit her nose.

She flipped, landing in a crouch on her feet as she skid backward a little, wincing at the aching pain all over her body from the pummeling.

Her head snapped upward, eyes going wide as her body went rigid, sweatdropping heavily and mind racing.

This... This place...?!

She stood on a small, shallow uprising of stone that was surrounded by the cool and churning waters of a lake. Great ripples flowed outward toward her from the waterfall spilling from a clifface into the lake on the far wide ahead of her, the edge of the cliff face lined with line trees and mist dancing on the air. On the opposite end of the water she could see a grassy shoreline bordering the waves, and the standing figure of slabs of stone stacked atop one another.

Her head snapped sideways, hearing someone suddenly let out a small yelp of pain as they were thrown to collide with the stone underfoot. She blinked in shock, seeing a mess of dark hair and blue eyes moving to meet her own as Chase appeared not far from her, looking just as shocked as she did upon seeing her, and where it was they were. They both knew it so well,

"Welcome home, Malunafrey. Or at least, welcome back to your second home is more correct."

Frea's and Chase's eyes separated as the voice suddenly rung out around them, they glanced around for the source but couldn't see anything.

Frea stood up, as Chase did the same, both of them alert and tense.

"This is the Sacred Ground for Energy, a Magic as old as this world, and perhaps older. On this sacred day, where the balance of Light and Dark is to be decided among our Champions of the Element, we will partake in a Ritual so sacred and wound so tightly in the inner workings of the world and Magic itself." The voice announced, seeming to flow all around them as both Frea and Chase stiffened, suddenly feeling the stony island under their feet beginning to tremble as some deep, unfamiliar Magic began to flare up around them.

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