Chapter 54- Storm

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Chapter 54


Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's, Energy Magic, and Ideas


"Come on boys, don't tell me that's all you've got?!"

Frea shouted the words across the field, fists clenched at her sides and body tense as her silver gaze locked on to the figures of Gray, Gajeel, Natsu, and Elfman, all of whom stood across from her, panting and looking worse for wear.

The clearing around them was destroyed, slabs of earth uprooted and surrounding trees knocked down, others sliced straight through, and some of them smoldering or frozen. The sound of the ocean not far to their left could be heard, where the cliffside on the backside of the Guild Hall stood. They stood among what was a grassy clearing in the trees near to the Guild and the ocean side, but now it was just a large covering of destruction done onto the land by the days constant fighting.

The boys eyes flashed as she called out to them, seemingly still full of energy and vigor despite the fact they had been going head to head with her since early that morning, and now the sun had slid behind the horizon and twilight was settling in. They were all beaten and bruised, and they hadn't hardly any Magic left to spare, though Frea seemed bursting with Magic still.

What made it worse was the fact she hadn't hardly even been touched by any of the four of them, she was going all out- and for it, they realized how out of their league they were against Frea, though they'd never admit to it.

Moon sighed slightly, watching from a safe distance with narrowed, glinting eyes as she crossed her paws over her chest, Lily beside her with Carla, Wendy, Juvia, Levy, Lisanna, Mira, Lucy and Erza.

Frea seemed to have jumped into full gear, and it had all happened so fast too. It seemed immediately after the Rainbow Sakura Festival that the Energy Dragon Slayer had delved into preparing herself for whatever it was that was surely coming. For the week and a half that followed after the festival, Frea buried herself deep in dozens of old tomes and books (of which, there seemed to be at least two dozen that just showed up out of nowhere in their room at Fairy Hills, books as such- Moon was fairly certain hadn't been a part of the Guild's library at all). Frea spent hours upon hours looking into the old records, reading and taking notes down on all manner of things, trying to piece together anything and everything that may even have a shred of a chance of being helpful to her- though Moon wasn't sure what she was looking for exactly.

A part of her had a feeling Frea didn't know what she was looking for either.

Frea moved back and forth between Fairy Hills and the Guild's Library, completely immersed in what she was researching. Their room looked a mess, with the hundreds of notes and papers that were strewn about, and the books. When the week and a half had passed, and Porlyusica (grudgingly) cleared Frea for work again, this had started up.

The area in the trees beside the Guild and the ocean had been cleared away some to allow Frea room to brawl and train with the other members of the Guild, or just work on Spells on her own when she saw it fit. It had only taken one day of the brawling to make the area look like a war zone, and after awhile of the out of hand destruction and the wanton Magic being thrown about, Moon wondered if they had moved it far enough away from the Guild Hall itself.

Frea hissed under her breath, feeling the adrenaline and the heat of the battle rushing through her body without end. It wasn't often she got really pumped during training or brawling, but her body had jumped into overdrive, and she wasn't likely to slow down anytime soon. Though in the back of her mind she was faintly aware that the more she pushed herself, and the harder, the more likely she was to wear herself out. And if she found herself exhausted when the impending danger came to a close, she'd be screwed.

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