Chapter 35- Deficiency?

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Chapter 35


Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's, Energy Magic, and Ideas


The group walked along the underground streets of what looked like an ancient city, buildings rose up around them and candles glowed upon every flat surface to provide light in a place that would have otherwise been dark.

They had made their way to the bottom of the long drop through use of Frea's boxes. Frea had managed to make all the boxes needed and she hadn't let any fail for the hour or so she had been making them almost nonstop.

She took a deep breath, feeling very strained. It wasn't easy to make those boxes, it wasn't easy to maintain them, and to make so many and for so long was almost too much...

Moon glanced sideways at her Partner, easily able to tell how tired Frea had become. She was seated on Frea's shoulder now as they walked along, taking in all the sights of this underground ruin. She felt sympathetic to how much strain using that new technique she had created had put on the Energy Dragon Slayer, usually it wasn't wise to use something one had so little practice and success with on such a large scale, but Frea hadn't much choice on the matter.

"What is this place?" Happy murmured in awe,

"It was said that the priests who tended the Graveyard lived here as well." Lucy explained, "This must be where they were, for their whole lives."

"Do you think the clock piece we're looking for is down here?" Michelle murmured, Lucy nodded.

"Most likely," she murmured, sweatdropping. "But this place is so big, it'll take a long time to find it..."

Frea halted and the small movement caused the others to as well, all of them tense as Frea looked around the ruin with narrowed eyes, slowly moving her gaze up toward a staircase above them.

She had sensed it easily, the Energy Signatures of two people they had come across before- more specifically, two people who had thoroughly pissed her off.

"What is it?" Natsu asked.

"The guy we ran into at Lucy's Mansion... And the counterpart of Coco." Frea muttered lowly, "They're here."

They moved at a slow pace, approaching the top of that same staircase Frea was looking at as if they hadn't a care in the world. And then they appeared there, looking down at them.

Dan Straight grinned down at them and waved a hand, "Hey! Good to meet you guys again!" He called, Frea frowned. He was the man who had turned her tiny, and buried her under a pile of junk to add to it. To say the very least, she did not like him.

"So you bastards are here too huh?!" Natsu growled, fists clenching at his sides. Frea's own fists clenched, eyes narrowed.

"Samuel told us about 'The Key of the Starty Heavens'." Dan answered with a smile, "and we know a part of the Clock is here."

"Tch..." Moon hissed, Frea catching on to the noise easily but without looking Moon's way. "That 'Samuel' cat is starting to piss me off.." Her Partner muttered lowly.

Coco raised a hand, "It seems you haven't found the part yet either, huh?" She asked. Dan took a step forward before halting, his eyes wide as he caught sight of...?

"Isn't that Lulu-chama over there?!" The man exclaimed, his eyes landing to Lucy who had moved behind Michelle. Frea blinked at the name, sweatdropping at the emotions dancing off of Dan and Lucy so suddenly, quite confused. Had she missed something? Moon glanced to her and she could see her own confusion on her Partner's face.

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