Chapter 47- Y-You Know Him...?

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Chapter 47

Y-You Know Him...?

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's, Energy Magic, and Ideas


... She had to believe they would get through this- and she would. With Frea leading the charge in a way... they were sure to find some way to overcome any odd that came at them- that was just how much faith she had in the Energy Dragon Slayer. A faith, despite her worrying and concern- a faith that never wavered, at all.

Things will work out.


The sky grew a milky grey in the early hours of the morning, long before the sun would make it over the horizon and from behind the tops of the surrounding forests. Magnolia sat in silence, no one out of their beds, the chill morning air nipping at the dew covered grass and buildings, moisture glittering off the streets in the low lights.

Everything was silent. Not even the birds had woken yet, not the people, not the Guild.

"Calm down... Calm down... We're going Toro..."

A middle aged woman stumbled from her apartment, about her wrist the end of the leach attached to the collar of her dog as it jumped from the open door. The woman yawned widely, tears pricking at her eyes as she tried to wake herself up- shivering at the cold air that met her outside her warm home.

Her dog pulled at the leash eagerly, pulling the woman with it as she let out a sigh.

"Its too early for you and me... What's got you so worked up so early in the morning anyway?" She asked of her dog, not expecting an answer of course- but it was better than the silence of the still sleeping Magnolia. Her eyes moved up toward the sky and she sweatdropped a little at the dreary grey cloud cover above, "Its not even dawn... And already it looks like its gonna rain..." She sighed, stumbling a little as her dog pulled at the leash again.

Her attention snapped back to him and she sweatdropped more, now being reluctantly dragged behind the eager creature as it moved quickly up the street. "Toro... Heel... Heel..! Slow down!" She said quickly, her voice low as to avoid waking her neighbors. The dog didn't hear the order as she continued to stumble behind him, shaking her head at the enthusiasm so early in the morning- she had no energy to argue and allowed herself to follow the dog farther into town.

Toro didn't let up, and only continued to jerk at the leash the entire way through- only when they had grown several blocks away from their home did the woman force the dog to stop, pulling backward on the leash hard and sweatdropping as the creature resisted.

"This is far enough! Lets go back, Toro! Come on!" She told him firmly but softly, the dog lurched against the rope and let out a few high pitched barks in protest- she winced at the noise in the silent city.

"Shhh! No, no don't do that! Come on Toro, that's enough!" She snapped, thrusting hard as she turned in her heel with the dog in tow- back toward home.

She stumbled backward and nearly fell as the leash jerked, hard- and it was torn from her hand as Toro took off down the street at full sprint.

She struggled to stay on her feet as she turned, "Toro!" She called quickly, the tip of the dogs tail disappearing around the corner as she immediately gave chase.

She whipped about the corner, gaining on the dog only slightly as she kept up her running- the dog never ceased in his sprinting as he headed farther into the town- much farther away than they would ever normally go.

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