Chapter 4- Shatter

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Chapter 4


Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's and Ideas


The sound of something shattering broke the still air suddenly. Everything went black, and the floor fell away from under her feet, and she was sent into a free-fall.

At least, that's what it felt like. It felt as of the ground had fallen away, like she had been pushed from the edge of a cliff, like a great chasm appeared in the earth and she fell into it. Her stomach lurched, her nerves rose and her heart beat against her chest.

But she wasn't falling.

What the hell is going on?!

The air seemed to disappear, everything grew cold, before it burned hotter than ever, and the temperature dropped again.

Wind was blowing in all different directions, like she was stuck in the middle of a tornado, being pushed around by the furious wind. The oxygen was sucked away, everything kept changing rapidly, the air buzzed, it was hard to breath, and she still felt as if she was falling.

No sounds reached her but the incessant buzzing in the back of her mind. She was starting to panic, unable to figure out what was going on. Everything around her... It...

It Shifted!


Frea shot up from her sleep, eyes wide and heart racing. Everything, everything she had been feeling in that dream, it wasn't all just the dream.

It was happening, right now. The World's Energy had shifted drastically, more than it had any of the other times. Goosebumps spread up her arms, it was freezing in here, and her breath billowed out in front of her in a haze. She could hear the glass of her window groaning behind the closed curtains, from the force of the wind she could hear blowing outside pushing against it.

The incessant buzzing did not go away as she woke up, she could ear it clearly above the sound of the wind. Nothing felt right, everything felt like it was spinning out of control, though nothing was moving.

The World's Energy was wavering, shifting, moving, spinning rapidly, it was in complete chaos. Frea panted for air as she stayed completely still, it was hard to breath. Her stomach was still lurching, the feeling of falling not leaving even as she woke up.

What's going on, this isn't right!?

She stayed still for a moment, waiting for the feelings to go away. But they didn't, the World's Energy didn't return to normal, it just kept shaking and wavering, spinning and shifting.

Moon had woken up immediately when Frea came out of the dream, and she let out a shudder, eyes widening upon realizing how cold it was in the room. "What's going on?" She asked, voice slightly drowned out by the wind outside and the ever relentless buzzing, but Frea didn't answer. "And why in the hell is it so cold in here?"

This... This isn't right, the World's Energy can't be moving like this... Its wavering too much... Its in chaos...

"Frea!" Moon snapped, clearly not happy with not getting an answer.

"Everything's wrong..." She managed to breath after a moment. She swung her legs from the bed and stood up, but swayed immediately and placed a hand against the wall for support.

She felt dizzy, everything she was feeling coming from the World's Energy around her was overloading her senses. She took a small step forward, disconcerted because she still felt like she was falling, though the floor was clearly there.

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