Chapter 32- Predictions?

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Chapter 32


Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's, Energy Magic, and Ideas


"Damn those guys!" Natsu snapped, fist pounding down upon a table top. "I can't believe they got away with Lucy's property!"

"I'm sorry everyone..." Lucy mumbled, looking downcast as she sat at a table with Michelle.

"Its not your fault Lucy," Moon murmured, looking guilty. "We should have been more help..." Her eyes shifted toward Frea slowly,

The Energy Slayer was sitting at a table, chin resting on top and fists clenched on either side of her with her arms stretched out. She looked straight ahead with a very irritated look on her face, grumbling under her breath incessantly and not seeming to be paying attention.

"Damn that chick... How the hell did I get beat... Next time I see her... We'll be alone and I'll kick her ass... Yeah... Definitely... No showing me up a second time... Bitch..." Frea growled; becoming even more irritated as a vein ticked on her forehead and a dark aura surrounded her out of increasing anger. Her fists unclenched and instead she dug her nails into the tabletop.

A few people glanced Frea's way and sweatdropped, then looked from her to Moon.

"How did you manage to get beat if Hughes can't control Frea?" Natsu questioned and Moon's head fell, ears dropping, looking even more guilty now. Lucy noticed the look and smiled a little sympathetically.

"That's my fault..." Moon admitted while raising a paw slightly, "... Mary was controlling me, and made me attack Frea..."

They all blinked, looking confused. "And... You took Frea down..?" Natsu asked and Moon looked up quickly, waving her paws in front of her and looking nervous.

"No, no! Don't get the wrong idea, I was only keeping her occupied!" Moon explained quickly, "I can't take Frea down even if I tried!"

"I didn't think Memory Magic worked on Frea?" Gray murmured. He had arrived not long before with Erza and Juvia behind- along with them, Cana, Gildarts, Lily and Gajeel had also come back-though Gajeel was off looking for those who had attacked the Guild with a few other members. Master had arrived not long after,

"Moon wasn't using Memory Magic." Lucy spoke up,

"You know another sort of Magic besides Memory Magic, Moon?" Happy asked in wonder, walking across the table the grey Exceed was at. Moon nodded in confirmation,

"Ah," Erza said with a look of knowing that she shared with Mirajane, Gildarts and Master. "So you used your Copy-Cat Magic against Frea then?" Moon paused only a second before nodding again.

"Copy-Cat Magic?!"

"You have many talents." Lily murmured, appearing beside Moon with his paws crossed over his chest. Moon glanced toward him, "Memory Magic, Aera, high intellect and even Copy-Cat Magic strong enough to keep an S-Class such as Frea busy?" He smiled and Moon blushed while at the same time looking guilty again. "Impressive."

"Enough." Master said curtly, causing the questions and murmurings that had sprung up to cease. "We can get into that later, for now-" his attention turned to Gildarts. "You said these people called themselves the Legion?" He asked and the man nodded.

"The ones that attacked us are from Zentopia?" Cana murmured,

"Yes, I'm sure of it." Gildarts confirmed with a nod of his head. Moon's ears flicked a little at the word Zentopia, eyes narrowed.

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