Chapter 26- The World Hates Me

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Chapter 26

The World Hates Me

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's, Energy Magic, and Ideas


I think the world is out to get me.

Everything is getting crazy, and its happening more often now... First with Black Chimera, The Eclipse Gate, the Balance tipping, Aisha, the surprise S-Class Exam... And now this...

Did we even finish sealing the gate closed again...? ... Or have I been consumed at this point...? I can't remember... Damn it...

She was sitting alone in a dark space, too exhausted to move or even open her eyes. Her arms and legs hurt, even the slightest movement caused pain. Her body ached, she felt weak... As to be expected when you let a ghost use up all your Magic Energy...

She was starting to get fed up with this. She had never been one to enjoy getting into situations where she found herself hurt constantly, she was especially partial to passing out like this... She didn't like feeling weak, and however much she hated to admit it, she didn't like to lean on others for help.

Didn't Laxus say something like that...?

Either way, she wasn't looking forward to waking up, and in fact, she wasn't sure she could force herself to do so for some time, she was just too tired.

Assuming the whole Sealing thing actually worked... And I'm not actually dead...

Her mind lingered on that thought, she wondered if they had finished the Spell, if everyone was ok... She hoped they were...

The fragmented memory of seeing everyone on the grass while she was leaning against the cliff-face came to her, that must mean the Spell worked... And that must have been when she had blacked out, again. She hated that damn it,

The black around her grew thicker, her mind began to give way to it once more, until she couldn't think.

Ugh... Fuck...


"... What...?" Master Makarov whispered, eyes wide and sweatdropping. His eyes remained glued to the haggard looking Spirit Mage who had appeared before him, looking tired and grim.

The Guild Hall had been emptying slowly since night began to fall, to the point where only the main members remained in the darkening hall. He had been becoming increasingly worried, seeing as how the party that had left to find Frea had not yet returned.

He was seated on the bar, Jynx standing before him with Mira standing by and Gildarts seated in a stool beside him, while Mavis was sitting just next to him, looking shocked.

"The... Power of the One, they found it...?" Makarov asked lowly, Jynx nodded once. He just stared, he had heard of this power before of course, all Mages who knew anything about ancient Magic, or read a history book had seen it mentioned in some sort of way. But he had never believed he would hear of it being discovered for as long as he lived, nor thought it would have been released..

"Frea... She released it...?" He asked lowly, hardly able to believe the words were coming out of his mouth. First off, how Frea would even know how to do so was beyond him, and why she would do it was a different matter... He couldn't honestly believe Frea would even think to let loose something like that, if the legends on it were true...

"What is 'the Power of the One' exactly?" Mira asked, looking to Master for an answer.

"Its something I've only ever seen mentioned in old legends and very old History books." Master replied, "Its a power that was said to have brought upon great destruction and chaos during the earlier years of the world, a Magic that even history was afraid to record." He let out a low sigh. "Not much is known about it, other than what the stories tell. Some say its Evil, others sat it is good, all the records are vague and confusing." He glanced away from Mira toward Jynx. "But in every record, it was a Magic said to have the power to destroy the world, a Magic no one may control."

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