Chapter 3- Two Minds

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Chapter 3

Two Minds

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's and Ideas


Frea and Chase headed away through the trees silently, growing farther and farther away from the town as they passed under the dappled shadows. Frea stopped in the center of a small clearing and fixed him with a neutral stare.

She had been waiting for him at the edge of the city, and he had made his way back this morning, two days after she had decided to look for answers in the Guild's library.

Despite the promise she had made herself to speak with him alone as soon as she could, it hadn't worked out very well. The Guild being swamped with as many requests as it was since the GMG, everyone had been heading out on as many jobs as they could possibly take.

Chase had been pulled along on a job by Laki, Sam and Cana, the poor guy not having the heart to tell the three of them no, when they had asked him to come along. She didn't blame him for it, she herself didn't always have the heart to tell her Guild-Mates no, especially when they were as happy and as excited as they have been for the last two weeks since they returned to Magnolia.

Even she hadn't had much luck sticking to her plan of speaking with him, she had gone on more than a few jobs herself and been more than busy. This was the only time she had actually taken to get away from all of it, and get him alone so they could talk about the Energy Shifts.

"So Teach, do you have any idea as to what in the hell is going on with the World's Energy?" He asked, looking unusually serious for someone who was almost always smiling.

Frea shook her head a little, "No, I don't." She admitted. She tapped a finger to her chin and glanced away from him. "Well... Its not being caused by someone... No unfamiliar Magic shows up when the Shifts happen."

Chase nodded a bit, "I noticed that to." He murmured. "But if it's not being caused by someone, why is it happening?"

Frea sighed and sweatdropped a bit, "I was thinking it might be an after-effect of the Eclipse Gate, and Ultear's Powers..." She suggested and he nodded a little.

"Yeah, I thought about that to." He told her, "But it doesn't make a lot of sense, the Energy did Shift before any of the Major events involving Eclipse or Ultear happened." He pointed out and Frea nodded.

He was right of course, the possibility of the Shifts being chased by Eclipse or Ultear were almost non-existent. The Shifts had started before any of it actually happened, so they had to be ruled out as a possible cause.

"With that in mind, your Spell would have to be ruled out too." Chase continued and she blinked, heart quickening a little. Her mind immediately flashed to the Celestial
Energy Spell she had used on Solana.

But Chase didn't know about that, did he? At least, he hadn't made any indication that he had...

"Messing with the Land's Energy like you did could set off an unexpected effect." He went on, and she let out a silent sigh, when she realized he had been talking about the Aid Spell. Her eyes fell closed for a moment, so she missed the skeptical look Chase gave her.

He had noticed the sudden tenseness when he had mentioned a Spell, he could feel her nerves rise, and her emotions changing. He had the feeling she wasn't telling him everything, and he was momentarily pushed back to his suspicions.

The Magic Anomaly, it really had felt like Frea's Magic, and he was quite sure it was hers. His only hesitation with it thus far, was the idea that he had a hard time believing Frea could have set something so powerful, and so huge, off.

Balance In Our Lives {Fairy Tail}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora