Chapter 2- Dream

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Chapter 2


Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's and Ideas


Carla looked around the dark wildly, trying to see anything in the curtain of black before her eyes. For a moment, she was confused, she didn't know if this was a dream... Her heart dropped to her stomach to think it might be another vision. After the last vision she had had... She wasn't too thrilled with the idea of some terrible warning.

Light flashed out in front of her, and she squinted, momentarily blinded from the intensity of the sudden light. She opened her eyes all the way, then narrowed her eyes. She blinked in surprise to see a picture appear in the air before her.

Half of it was the sun, illuminated in orange light, while the other half of it was the moon, illuminated in blue light as the two met in the middle.

Carla's head tilted a little, not sure what to make of the picture.

Slowly, the blue light began to stretch over to the orange, and swallow it up, as the moon half of the symbol started to destroy the sun part of it. When the sun half was completely gone, the blue light of the moon turned a deep red, and Carla took a step back when she heard liquid hit the floor, dripping off of the symbol.

Her paws started to be stained red, and her body froze when the warm liquid started to rise up around her.

This... This is blood..!

The symbol only blazed brighter as the blood began to rise up around her, staining her white fur a crimson color. She couldn't think of what to do, she couldn't move, and she took in air in short horrified breaths.

"Wh-what does this mean..?!" She stammered out.

A wave of the blood washed over her, and she was swept away into the river of blood that had been formed. She broke the surface and gagged, eyes wide in horror as she struggled to remain above the level of the scarlet liquid.

The symbol had risen above the level of the blood river, and was still blazing with red light as the blood poured down from it.

"What... is this...!?" She choked out, the foul metallic liquid filling her mouth.

She couldn't fight against the current, could hardly move to try and swim the blood was too thick, it was sticking to her fur and dragging her down.

She let out a gasp of pain when another wave swept over her, and she smashed into an invisible wall, slowly sinking to the floor as the river's level lowered and flowed away altogether, only leaving puddles of the blood.

She froze upon seeing a figure underneath the symbol, covered in blood that continued to drip down from the symbol. Their skin was ripped, clothes torn, and hair red from the blood covering them. The blood faded away near the ends of the figure's hair, and she could make out silver.

Silver hair... Near the ends...? That... That can't be Frea... Can it..?

The figure's head was hanging, arms wrapped around their stomach, and eyes closed, she couldn't get a good picture of their face.

"F-Frea...?" Carla breathed, trying to see if it really was her.

But before anything could happen, the symbol disappeared and they were sent into darkness.

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