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Eight years later..

"Haruko, hurry up we're gonna be late," Haruka said, lazily while tying his shoes.

"Onii-chan! I don't know what hairstyle should I do today.." Haruko whined.

"Just don't tie your hair then." Haruka yawned.

"But, it's hot if I don't tie my hair." She whined again.

"Come here." Haruka grabbed a hairpin and made a messy bun for her.

"This might can help," Haruka said then walks out the door.

"Onii-chan, wait! I haven't check my hair yet." She said. Haruka stopped walking and pointing at his watch meaning the time is running out. Haruko just pouted and walks together to meet Kirishima at the parking lot.


"We're home." They said while opens the door.

"Welcome back. The foods ready, wash your hands first." Akihito said to them while setting the tables.


"Sorry, that I have to leave earlier than you guys again this week." Said Akihito.

"It's okay, mom. We're fine this morning just a little late for the first class because someone doesn't know how to tie her hair today and spent most of the time staring at the mirror." Haruka said, drinking his fruit juice.

"But thanks to Onii-chan's messy bun, everyone praised my hair," Haruko said, smiling.

"Maybe Haruka should be a hairstylist one day," Akihito said.

"I agree!" Haruko playing with her hair.

"I don't know, but maybe I should," Haruka said.


"Dad, welcome home!" Both of the little Asami's hugged their daddy.

"I'm home." Asami kissed them both and handed his briefcase to Akihito. He kiss Akihito lips passionately.

"Welcome home," Akihito mumbled, blushing. He grabbed the briefcase and turned to the sofa but stopped by Asami because Asami grabbed his waist and kiss him again and again until Akihito out of breath.

"Ryuichi, not in front of the kids.." Akihito whined. Asami smirked while the other Asami's leave them quietly.

"Wanna do it tonight?" Asami whispered in Akihito ear.

"I.. I.." Akihito stammered.

"I know you can't say no." Asami leaned closer to Akihito. Akihito just nodded and hide his face in Asami chest. Asami just chuckled and kiss his kitten hair.

"Do you want us to go out for a while." Haruka and Haruko said together, smiling.

"Do as you wish," Asami said, chuckling. Haruka quickly grabbed his phone from his pocket and speed-dialed Kirishima.

"Kirishima, it's us. We need a ride, tell the others to join in too. We're going to have fun while the couple having their own 'fun'. Okay see you downstairs. Bye." Haruka ended the phone call and grabbed his sister hand to their room to change clothes.

"We're gonna have a long wild night tonight. Be prepare, Akihito. You'll hurt your hips and unable to walk tomorrow. But well, who am I to care." Asami grabbed Akihito's hand and rushed to bed.

'Curse you bastard old man!'

Finder Series- The Unforgettable MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now