
"Milady, I have made another identity card with a fake name along with your passport. This identity card has planted a GPS chip, it will locate your whereabouts if any of us could not track you. Always remind yourself to take it with you wherever you go." Said Tanaka smoothly but in a serious tone.

"Thank you, Tanaka, I'll keep it in mind." As she read her new identity card. "What a good name that you chose for me." Said the girl, chuckled. 'Kirihara Kiera'.

"Thank you and welcome milady." Said Tanaka proudly, chuckled.

End of flashback


In the plane


'Ugh.. It's so crowded in here...' Thought Kiera

'Where is my seat anyway and where's the others?' She asked herself as her eyes search her seat number chaotically.

'I better ask someone.'

"Umm..excuse me sir, do you know where is the seat number thirty-four?" She asked politely at a young man, standing behind her.

"Oh! You're in the same seats with me. You can follow me." As he finds the seat.

"Here it is, our seats.. And here let me help you with your luggage." As he reached his hands.

"Thank you, you're so kind." Said Kiera handling her luggage.

"I think this seat belongs to someone else." She pointed her finger at the other seat as she sits in her own seat.

"Haha.. Yeah it's my friend, Kou. He'll be a little late." As his eyes searched his friend chaotically.

"Speak of the devil there he is." Waving his hand at Kou.

"Takato sorry I'm late, it was so crowded back there." Suddenly, Kou pinned his eyes at Kiera.

"Wow! Hi sexy, I'm Kou. You're so beautiful." As he reaches his right hand.

"Umm. Thanks, your not bad yourself. By the way, I'm Kiera. Nice to meet you." Said Kiera, shaking her hand with his.

"Nice to me.."

"Ehhheemm!!" Suddenly the conversation been cut by Takato.

"Oh! I'm sorry.. Umm...this is my best friend, Takato." Said Kou, feeling funny.

"Hi, I'm Takato. Nice to meet you." Said Takato as he reaches his hand.

"Hi, I'm Kiera. Nice to meet you too." Replied Kiera politely shaking their hands.

"Where you from?" Asked Takato.

"Kyoto." Replied Kiera shortly.

"So, what brought you to Tokyo?" Asked Kou.

"Err... Business problems, I'm a businesswoman." Replied Kiera, covering the fact that she wanted to 'meet' their other friend, Takaba Akihito.

"Wow!! It looks like we messed with the wrong beauty!" Said Takato, amazed.

"It's not a big deal I'm just a normal business person." Said Kiera, chuckled nervously.

Not very far, Tanaka, Takahashi, and Kurosaki dressed all in casual clothes observed their master from their seats.

"Looks like the milady already got new friends from Tokyo." Said Tanaka, chuckling.

"I hope her 'new friends' doesn't make any problems if they know what we're doing." Said Kurosaki.

"Just hope that they do not misunderstand about us if they know." Replied Takahashi, calmly.

"Relax boys, we are doing the right things. This is all for her mother's sake." Said Tanaka again chuckling.

They talked about everything until they're finally landed in Tokyo.

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