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Note: I chose this one for the sole purpose of the choreography. It's amazing, and, while I love it, I'm writing a slightly altered version. Also, these are not my favorite singers, so feel free to listen to your own version.



"You have come here. . ." I sang, observing her through the dark cowl I wore. Her back was to me, and she was sang to her, but I could see her lifting up the apple, as if examining it's purity.  She turned towards me, smiling seductively. I felt my heart race, but I continued.

"In pursuit of your deepest urge."

"In pursuit of that wish which till now has been silent. . ."

She turned towards me, a smile dancing on her lips. She began to open them, but I pressed a finger to them.


She moved away from me, replacing the apple in her hand with a new one.

"I have brought you,
That our passions may fuse and merge" I  gently trailed my arms around her waist, and her delicate hand reached up towards me, like a flower blossoming towards the sun. It rested on my shoulder, and I relaxed at her touch.

"In your mind you've already succumbed to me, Dropped all defenses, completely succumbed to me. . ."

She slipped out of my arms and  leaned against the table, her hands grasping the velvet. She tossed her curls, revealing her pale, lovely neck. My blood boiled as I slowly walked towards her, the space inbetween us shrinking in what felt like hours.

"Now you are here with me, no second thoughts, You've decided."

I drew a finger along her chin, and her lips parted, revealing her sparklingly white teeth.

"Past the point of no return, no backward glances. The games we've played till now are at an end. . ."

I snatched the apple from her, leaning her against the table. She gasped, her hands behind her back, her chest thrust out.

"Past all thought of if or when, no use resisting. Abandon thought and let the dream descend." I tossed the apple back into the bowl and put my hands on her arms, running them down.

"What raging fire shall flood the soul? What rich desire unlocks its door? What sweet seduction lies before us. . ."

I lifted her completely onto the table, so that her back was facing me.

"Past the point of no return. . .The final threshold?"

I put my hands on her hips, slowly pulling them up to her neck, and delicately moving her curls off her shoulder so that I could caress her soft neck.

"What warm, unspoken secrets will we learn? Beyond the point of no return?"

Christine lazily stretched off the table, hopping onto the floor. A smile glimmered on her lips, so faint, it was nearly untraceable. She turned away from me, tossing her curls. She turned her head slightly, just enough that I could see her eyes

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