Chapter 3

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Just a note, this takes place about three months after Gustave's heart attack.


Your obedient servant,



"Christine! Hurry, or else I'll leave without you!"

Meg called out to me from her car as I said my goodbyes to Father.

"I'm going to miss you so much!" I said, holding back tears.

"Ah, you'll forget that I even exist! Just remember, call me when you get there!"

I nodded, wiping away the last of my tears.

"I Love you, Papa!"

"Love you too, honey. Remember to study!" He said, ruffling my hair.

"Remember to take your meds!" I giggled, slapping his arm.

He laughed and waved at us as we drove away.

Meg turned to me,

"Now that they're gone, let's have some fun!"

She blasted Taylor Swift, and I groaned.

"Turn it off!" I shouted, trying to yell over the music. "Can't hear you over Tay-Tay!" She shouted back.

I moaned and shoved my earbuds in. This was gonna be a long car ride to New York.

5 hours later

"Chrissy, wake up! Chrissy? CHRISTINE MAJORY DAAÉ WAKE UP, OR ELSE SO HELP MEG-" I covered Meg's mouth with my palm, and motioned for her to calm down.

"Calm down, Giry, I'm up."

She nodded, and I removed my hand from her mouth.

"We're here!"

I grinned and jumped out of the car. "I can't believe it! We have an apartment! "

We danced around for a little bit, Meg much more graceful than I, as she was a ballerina.

"Think of all the parties we're going to have! "

I laughed, "Correction, the parties you'll go to while I stay at home and study." Meg giggled, "Your version of partying sucks."

I slapped my hand over her lips again, "Don't you trash talk on studying, it gets you places!"

She rolled her eyes, and plucked my hand from her mouth, "Yeah, but will studying from some textbook make me become a world famous dancer?" I smiled, "Someone's getting cocky." She shrugged, "What can I say, once you get into Garnier, there's no going back." We laughed and went into the building.

"Hello ladies, what can I do for you?"

"We're here to pick up our keys for our apartment. "

"Your names?"

"Christine Daaé and Meg Giry."

"Your landlady, Mrs. Aimes, should be waiting for you upstairs."

"Thank you!"

We went upstairs and saw that our door was open.

Meg stuck her head in,"Hello?" Almost immediately, a young woman came scurrying out the door.

"Oh hello, ladies! I'm Beverly, your landlady! "

She had bright blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes, she had a mature look about her, but her youthful appearance threw me off

"Hello, Mrs. Aimes, it's so nice to meet you! "

She chuckled, "Call me Beverly, Mrs. Aimes makes me feel old,"

She led us into the living,"I'm only 28. I just got married last year!"

"Congratulations! "

She nodded, "Thank you! Now, down to business, rent is 870 dollars, but I'll understand if it's a little late. Just warn me."

We nodded, and she tossed us some keys.

"Also, the neighbors hate to be disturbed, so no loud parties!"

Meg sighed, and I grinned. This was going to be a great year!

"Thank you, Beverly!"

She smiled, tossing her golden tresses back, "Call me if you need anything, I left my card on the counter!"

I nodded, and she shut the door.

Meg and I looked at each other,


We ran around the apartment, dancing with each other,

"No more parents!"

"Goodbye, curfew!"

"Hello, all-nighters!"

We collapsed on the sofa, and I looked at Meg, frowning.

"We have school on Monday. "

She groaned and threw a pillow at me.

"No talking about school! Let's watch movies!"

"Shouldn't we unpack?"

"Stop being responsible, and start yelling at the main character! "

I sighed,

"You win. But after this we're unpacking, and I'm calling my Father!"

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