Chapter 13

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Harsh light burned through my eyelids and I blindly threw a pillow in front of my eyes.

"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty!"

Megs voice pierced through my brain, and melted my eardrum. I groaned, and shushed her. "Stop shouting! I think that the whole world can hear you!" I whisper yelled.


Tears streamed down my face at the painfully loud words. "My head! I'm dying!"

I clutched my head, and groped around for Meg.

I heard her laugh, and I cracked my eyes open. I wasn't even close. I stood up slowly, and trudged over to my desk to get a pair of sunglasses.

I put them on, and faced Meg. She covered her mouth in an attempt to stifle her giggle.

"You look so gross! Take a shower!"

I shook my head, "Too loud." She rolled her eyes, and handed me a dress.

"At least look presentable."

I scoffed, and winced as Meg attempted to spritz perfume all over me. "Ew! Meg, that's disgusting!" I cried out, wrinkling my nose.

She laughed, and shoved me towards the bathroom, "Classes start in an hour!" She called after me.

I gasped, I had completely forgotten that yesterday was a Thursday! Ugh, I couldn't believe that Meg had managed to get me to go clubbing on a school night.

She was barely affected by alcohol, it just passed through her like water. I'm pretty sure that if anyone cut me right now, my blood would still be alcohol.

I got dressed into the flowery dress that Meg had tossed me Making sure that my sunglasses didn't move an inch off my eyes the whole time, I washed off the layers of contouring from last night and put on my simplest makeup.

Feeling slightly better than trash, I decided that my sunglasses were unnecessary. Big mistake. I stepped out into the room, and almost screamed from the alarmingly bright lights.

"Turn off the sun!" I screamed, slapping on my shades. Meg burst out laughing, and handed me a tall thermos.

"It's my hangover cure!" She chirped, tipping it into my mouth.

The minute the liquid hit my tongue, I spit it out. It tasted absolutely vile! "Are you trying to poison me?" I asked, completely genuine.

"No silly," She said slapping my head, "It's red bull, mixed with coffee, advil, and that white stuff the guy on the corner was selling!"

I gaped at her very serious face, "Y-You're saying that you may have potentially just fed me drugs?!"

She burst out laughing, and I slapped my forehead. "Oh my God, your expression! I was only kidding, it was just sugar and funions!"

I shook my head, "Still gross."

She kept giggling as I made my way to the kitchen to pour out the "hangover cure".

"I think I'll just settle for coffee." I told her, refilling the thermos with the earthy smelling heaven.

She shrugged, "Your loss, it'll be hilarious to see Mr. Destler react to your hangover."

I winced, remembering how he had just invited me to the New York philharmonic. "Ugh, don't remind me!"

We made our way to Le Fantômes Hall, all the while Meg talking obnoxiously loud to get my pained reaction.

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