Chapter 32

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I sang out my arpeggios, bored out of my mind. Senor Bello, my new voice instructor, had given me the basic scales that I'd done when I was 10. I despised it, but at least I didn't have to face my fear of seeing Erik again. I was beyond mortified at the prospect of having a lesson with him. He hated me. 

Frustrated, I tossed my music on the piano and paced the small room. Erik was the best teacher I ever had. My voice had gone miles with him, and yet, it was my biggest fear of facing his wrath again. I wasn't sure what would happen if I went to him and apologized. It didn't quite go as according to plan last time. . .

My phone buzzed against the piano, snapping me out of thinking state The ID identified as my Father and I let out a sigh of relief; we had plans to go see the Orchestra and have dinner this weekend. 

I  answered eagerly. "Hello?"

"Is this Christine Daaé?" The voice on the other end was unfamiliar.

"Yes, who is this?"I questioned, wondering why a woman had my father's phone

"This is Dr. Melissa Chang, I saw that you were on your father's ICE contact. I'm so sorry to tell you this, but your father has had a heart attack and is in critical condition. We are doing everything we can. Once again, I am so sorry."

I dropped my phone and it fell to the floor. "No." I whispered, picking it up, "NO!" 

I threw it into my canvas bag and sprinted out the door. I tripped, and fell, my hands barely breaking the fall. I breathed nauseously, my head spinning. I stared blankly at the polished wooden walls, so utterly ornate and perfect. I clawed at my arms, the pain bringing a moments release to the worries. I was crying, but they were more like chokes of despair with pained gasps.

"Christine?" A voice questioned. I gazed up and saw Erik standing there, utterly confused. He said something, but I could barely hear him over my painful chokes. I continued scratching, closing my eyes and disappearing. 

His icy hands pulled mine off from clawing my arms. I shivered, trying to pull them back but he wouldn't let me. "Christine, stop this. What's the matter?" I opened my eyes, "He's dying! My papa is dying!" I somehow managed to stand up, but a moments triumph was soon met with despair as my knees gave out and I was left back on the floor.

I felt Erik pick me up, and I shut my eyes, unable to register what was going on. "I'll take you." He murmured. 

"Thank you," I whispered just before I slipped away from reality.


The moment I heard those sobs, I knew something was terribly wrong. I had been practicing in the empty classroom on the level of the practice rooms when I'd heard them. Those empty cries for help. I immediately ran out only to find the woman who I had been avoiding for the past month clawing at her arms and letting out those cries. I didn't exactly know how to feel, she had betrayed my trust and run away. But, on the other hand, had brought a warmth that had never existed before into my cold life. Truly, only this seemed to matter when I saw her there, curled up and helpless. I never wanted to see Christine in such pain. 

Now, she lay asleep in my car, her face free of worry. If I knew anything, it would be that such a carefreeness would disappear the moment she opened her eyes and saw the horror in the world. There is so much of it.

The fact that her father was dying must have been the trigger to her misery. I never did understand the relationships in a family. I'd never experienced such a bond that seemed unbreakable. Even with years of studying psychology, I could only best describe it as the connection of pride towards something. The closest I have ever gotten to feeling that type of pride for something would be towards my music. It is my most treasured possession and each new piece is like a breath of air. I had hoped that Christine would help me breathe, giving me breaths with her love, but clearly, that would never happen. No one would ever, could ever do anything like that for me.

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