Chapter 8

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After what felt like hours, we finally made it to the emergency room. The bleeding had increased so much that it had stained through twelve layers of bandaged.


My sight was starting to get a little spotty from all the blood loss, so I sank down into a chair.

Meg sat down next to me and held my falling face in her hand"You wait here, Chrissy, I'm gonna go check us in. Stay conscious!"

She slapped me once on the cheek. I yelped, clutching my cheek with my burnt hand, but by the time I was up, she was already jogging away.

I started to hum a song from Carmen, and a familiar masked man came into view. He looked rather tired, but his golden eyes were still bright. I wanted to keep looking, but I was so tired. I had just let my head fall to my chest when that immaculate voice called out to me.

"Hello, Miss Daaé."

My head snapped up, and I gave him a dumb smile, which he returned.

"Hi, Mr. Destler! What are you doing here?"

"I'm just waiting for a friend, and you?"

"I'm for my hand." I held up my bloody fingers, and he looked at it closely.

"It looks like your bandage is too tight, give it a little air."

I nodded, only half paying attention. I unwrapped the hand, and the bleed died down. Woooaaahhh, that felt good!

"That feels much better, thank you! How did you know what to do?"

He smiled softly, "I studied medicine and architecture. "

Wait, but wasn't he my voice teacher, plus my music teacher? Ergghhh, blood loss does not suit me.

"But then how are you a music teacher?"

My eyelids were starting to droop, and I heard a loud snap. I gazed up and saw Mr. Destler smirking.

"You alright, Daaé?"

I nodded, "Please, do continue your story, it's the only thing keeping me awake."

He gave me a knowing smile and continued, "One day, the old music teacher was wandering the hallway and he heard me playing the organ in the concert hall. I was only 14 years old at the time, so He took me under his wing. He had me teach him the organ, and in return, he taught me how to teach well. By the time I was 18, he wanted to retire, and I was talented enough to replace him."

He smiled happily, "And I've been teaching for three years since then."

"But how did you study architecture and medicine?"

He shrugged, "I got into college at 14, and had Reyer teach me at the same time."

Woah. This guy is an actual genius. "That's very impressive, Mr. Destler." I spotted Meg motioning for me to come over,

"And that is my leave, see you tomorrow, Mr. Destler."

I smiled and went to Meg. "Is the doctor guy ready yet?"

She nodded, "Yeah, but who was that hunk of heaven you were talking to?"

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "That 'hunk of heaven' was Mr. Destler, our teacher."

Her face turned tomato red, and she gagged. "Aaah! Let's just get your hand fixed. "

She shooed me into the room, and I saw a tall young woman standing there. "Hello, I'm Dr. Gangle. If you could just sit on the table here, that would be perfect. I followed him to the table and hopped on.

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