Chapter 15

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I'll be commenting on how where I had some fun writing. Enjoy!


"Raoul?' I asked, moodily crossing my arms, "What are you doing here?" He cleared his throat, looking at Mr. Destler. Mr. Destler!

"OH! Um, Mr. Destler, meet Raoul, Raoul is my...old friend! Well, one who I would prefer not to talk to!" I tried to leave, but felt a hand grab my wrist. I glared at Raoul, who had made an attempt to stop me. 

"Get your hands off her." Mr. Destler said quietly, but with a clear sense of danger. Raoul swallowed, and relieved me of his sweating palms. "Uh, I was kinda hoping to talk to Christine alone?" After he said those words, he immediately looked down as if avoiding eye contact would help him. Mr. Destler glanced at me for approval. I gave a slight tip of my head and he reluctantly left.

"Well?" I asked sharply, crossing my arms. "What do you want?" He blushed at my harsh tone, clearly not wanting to fight. "I just wanted to ask for your forgiveness," He gave me an innocent smile, "I'm Christian." 

I rolled my eyes, "Who do you think I am? Mother Teresa? I have no reason to forgive you. You left me all alone when I was at my weakest, twice! Don't think I don't remember when you left me for those popular kids after my mother died! I guess you needed to finish the job by kicking me to the curb after my father had a heart attack!"

He looked away, shame-faced. "Look, I'm really sorry. What can I do to earn your forgiveness? Free access to the Met?"

 I sighed, "That does help a little bit. But maybe figure something out that's more sensitive." He snapped his fingers, "Power point!" I winced at his idea, "Is that it?"

He blushed, "Dinner?" 

"Power point's good."

He nodded,"I'm real sorry, but the rest of my family will be sitting here. We're the biggest patrons to the Lincoln Center." 

I debated my thoughts, if I played this right I could-"It would really help if you kept box five empty."

He whimpered, "But. . ."


He sighed, "Only for your forgiveness. " He scurried out the box, clutching his program close. Mr. Destler entered not a moment later. "Daaé did you just-

I squealed grabbing his hands, "I just got free access to the Met I guilted him into giving me free things! I mean," I said, plopping down on the soft velvet seat, "I'd already forgiven him, but I saw such an oppurtunity!"

Mr. Destler looked at me slowly, "You just guilted someone into doing something for your own benefit? Daaé your morals astound me."

"I'll take you with me!"

He let out a low groan, "You truly know how to bribe a man." I laughed, and the lights began to dim. 

"Prepare to lose!" I whispered, smiling.

"I'd say the same, but you'll just see for yourself."


After a playing gorgeous symphonies and suites, the orchestra finally began to play the Romeo and Juliet Fantasy Overture. Crossing my arms, I leaned back smirking. "You cannot possibly win!' I mouthed at Erik. He grinned, his chatoyant eyes glistening.

It started off with a lone oboe playing a gentle yet sorrowful tune. It lead softly into the theme of Friar Lawrence, the saintly man that was represented with pizzicato. Suddenly, a rather dark turn took place as the orchestra played the famous fighting scene of the Montagues and Capulets.  Symbols crashed, and intricate notes shook the stage. 

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