Chapter 4

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I was being shaken awake by Meg, who was screeching my name.

"What's wrong?!"

"If you don't get dressed now, we're going to be late!"

I leaped up and flew to my closet. I flung on a white dress and collected all my things.

"Let's go!"

She started laughing,

"You actually fell for that?! It's four o'clock! "

"What?! Why would you do that?!"

She shrugged,

"Because I can. This is gonna be a fun year, roomie!"

I groaned,

"You are seriously evil! But you actually did me a favor, now that I'm up, I should probably practice. "

Now it was Meg's turn to groan, "Ugh, you do all those boring classical stuff! Can you just do at least one good song?"

"Mozart is not boring, Meg!"

She rolled her eyes,

"Maybe not to you, but to normal people like me, it's boring AF."

I smirked, "This should make pretty good payback then." I began to sing Dove Sono, while Meg moaned, and threw pillows at me.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock on the door.

I raced over and threw the door open, "Hello?"

A tall, heavy woman stood there with an expression of pure rage.

"What are you doing at four in the morning singing horrifically and laughing?!"

I mentally slapped myself on the head for forgetting the overly sensitive neighbors.

"I'm so, so sorry, Miss, it won't happen again!"

She snarled, her eyes flashing like an angry bull."It's Mrs. Gudicelli to you!"

Her thick accent seemed to sharpen each syllable as she spoke. I winced as she spat in my face, and stormed off.

Meg giggled, "You got in trouble!"

I grumbled and plopped down on the couch. I was going to have to find a new place to practice.

"I'm going to go look for somewhere to practice. Don't burn down the building."

She rolled her eyes, and I grabbed my bag.

I walked over to the practice building. Its name was actually Le Fantômes Hall, and it was a beautiful building with fountains and sculptures decorating the outside. In it, there were dozens of empty practice rooms. Most of the voice teachers taught in that building also, but it was filled mostly with practice spaces.

I unlocked the door with my student card and wandered around the barren halls. I peered inside each room and observed. Most of them had soundproof walls with a mirror and a piano.

Finally, I found my favorite room. It was at the end of the hall, and it was rather plain. Bit the thing that caught my eye, was the floor to ceiling antique mirror. It had gold detailing, and lovely rose designs.

I smiled and began to practice.


I was getting my classroom ready when I heard an angels voice faintly singing in the distance. I followed the voice to the secret passageway in the "closet". It led  upstairs to the old Prima Donna practice room. I climbed up the stairs and turned the corner to see Christine.

She was dressed in a white dress that made her look more like an angel. For a moment, I thought that she saw me, but then I remembered that it was a two-way glass. I leaned against the glass and listened to her voice.

She was singing Vissi D'arte with more passion than I had ever heard in my sorry life. It was over all too soon when there was a knock on the door.

When Christine opened it, I saw a young blonde girl. I recognized her immediately as Madame Giry's daughter. I had seen her on numerous occasions when she tagged along with her mother to the ballet performances.


The girl grinned,

"That's me! I'm here to discuss how we, mostly you, are going to pay rent!"

My angel groaned, and Meg took her to the piano bench.

"What's your plan om how are you're going to pay? I already have my half covered!'

"Well, Meg, some of us don't have world-famous ballerinas as our mothers."

I smiled at Christine's statement, and listened closely.

Meg chuckled, and Christine gave her a weak smile. She continued, "I did see that there was a restaurant that needed a waitress, though."

The other girl grinned,

"We can waitress together!"

Christine looked confused,"Why would you want to waitress? "

Meg smiled even wider,

"So that we can hang out more!"

"We're already roommates. But, if you want to waste time that could be used for studying, be my guest."

Meg rolled her eyes,

"I could care less about studying, let's have fun, and waitress together!"

Christine looked even further confused,"How is waitressing fun?"

Meg shrugged,

"I make everything fun!"

They laughed, and Meg pulled Christine out of the room. I could still hear them talking in the hallway,

"I'm tired, Meg. It's still dark out."

Her friend chuckled, "We cab go back and you can go to sleep."

I  laughed to myself and went back to my classroom. This was going to be the most fun I'd have teaching a class in a while.

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