Chapter 20

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After work, I returned home, completely wiped.

Even though I had been hit on multiple times, there was at least one perk. I had gotten to sing to sing to a family for their young daughter's birthday.

"Nice lady! Can you sing me happy birthday?"

I turned to see a little girl in a party hat clapping her hands excitedly, golden curls bouncing. My heart warmed and I approached the table. The two parents were smiling at me gratefully, "That's Lottie, she just turned five."

Mt heart skipped a beat at their daughter's name. It was the same name as the girl in the Angel of Music story that father used to tell me religiously when I was younger. The youthful parents exchanged an exhausted look. "If you could sing her Happy Birthday, it would make her day."

"Pretty please with a cherry on top?" Lottie begged, looking up at me with wide grey eyes.

I nodded, chuckling as the child smiled widely back at me, "Would she like a cupcake? We don't usually give out birthday food, but I'm sure Louie will make an exception for this angel. If not, I'll get for her."

Lottie gasped,nodding vigorously. Her parents smiled joyfully. "Thank you, Miss. You are so sweet." The Mother said, I nodded, going back to the counter and fetching the cutest cupcake for the adorable child.

I walked back, very careful not to trip. The girl squealed when she saw the sweet treat.

I sang Happy Birthday the best I could, while setting the cupcake in front of her. She blew out the candle, tracing the little plume of smoke that rose.

I groaned as I collapsed onto the sofa, massaging my legs. Perhaps one day I could stop being a waitress and become a Prima Donna. Yes, that's what I would do! I could sing in front of millions as I danced across the stage, catching a rose that one might toss down to me.

I closed my eyes and imagined my beautiful fantasy. Cheers and roses. Costumes and Makeup. Rehearsals and-

"Dude, what are you doing?"

Meg's voice snapped me out of my dreams, "Damn it, Meg, I was busy!"

Her eyebrows arches and her mouth shaped into a perfect O, "Ohhhh! I see...what were you watching?"

When she saw my confused look, she continued, "Or using?"

I blankly stared at her for a few moments before her words set in, "Porn?! And A-And. . . Oh my God, Meg, I wasn't doing. . . You know!

She chortled with laughter at my refrain from using words, "HA! Oh, Chrissy, what else would I think you were doing?"

I gaped, "Sleeping, or dozing off!"

She shrugged, a playful smile on her lips, "You know me, I have a naturally dirty mind. I can spot an innuendo in instructions better than I actually understand them!"

I snorted, remembering the time I had been feeding instructions to her and she kept cracking up, "Yeah, I know."

Meg giggled, skipping next to me. "So... What are you gonna wear to that premier?"

I winced, I had been online shopping for days but nothing had caught my eye.

"Um, I haven't really seen anything good yet..." I said, my voice trailing off as I looked up at her hopefully.

She sighed dramatically, flipping her blonde waves over her shoulder. "I suppose  that I might be able to help you." She burst out laughing, yanking my laptop off the coffee table that sat in front of the couch.

"Let's see. . . Have you been shopping on Amazon exclusively?"

I smiled weakly and she sighed, "Oh woe! What's a girl to do?!"

She opened up a new tab, "See, sweetie, there are other places to look at!"

She hopped onto some super-fancy looking site and I shuddered, "Meg, that doesn't look so good, maybe we could look at another site?"

She looked at me strangely, "What? Why, this place has killer stuff! You'd be the belle of the ball! Why not here? Unless..."

She gasped, putting her hands on her hips, "You're worried about money!"

I nodded guiltily, "I don't want to spend unnecessary amounts of money on just a dress, I don't think I deserve something so nice for only one night."

Meg sighed, patting my hand kindly. "You are too modest. I'll pay, you know I have the money. Pick one!"

I shook my head, horrified, "NO WAY!"

She smirked, "If you don't choose one, I will. And I'm 99.9 percent sure that you'll hate it."

I groaned, "Fine. This means I will pay for dinner, and we can watch whatever show you want."

She clapped her hands, "Scream Queens is so on tonight!

I laughed, observing each dress. "Oh my god, these are so nice!"

"I know right! I get all my dresses here!"

I gawked, "But these are like 200 dollars each!"

She shrugged, "I have my ways."

We continued bickering and telling each other dumb jokes until we got bored.

I thought we needed some good Meg and Christine moments, so there you go! 

Your Obedient Servant,


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