Chapter 12

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Nadir decided that punching my arm was a good idea.

I don't believe that I will fully understand why he thought it was a good way to convince me, but he did. Nadir Khan wanted to go to a club.

More specifically, he wanted me to got to a club with him.

"It'll be fun!" He tried to argue, still hitting my arm. I rolled my eyes and sipped my coffee.

He wrinkled his nose, "Why are you drinking coffee, it's night!"

I snorted at his stupid question, "Because I enjoy coffee and it helps me stay up later."

"Sleep is good for you!"

"The why do you want to go clubbing?" I smirked at his trapped expression, taking another sip of my coffee.

"To celebrate my finally being free of the hospital!"

I shrugged, "You'll probably be back there by tomorrow with your clumsiness."

He reddened, and I bit back a satisfied grin. I loved embarrassing Nadir.

"I'll get you free tickets to the Met Opera."

And I loved Opera even more.


I shook his hand, and he grinned. "Maybe you'll run into one of your students."

I almost smiled at the thought. Especially the thought of meeting one student in particular.

When Nadir practically pushed me into the club, I barely had time to flash ID to the man. He gave me a suspicious look, but still, let us in.

The first thing I noticed when I got inside was the ear-splitting noise. Nadir got lost somewhere in the crowd, and I dragged myself over to the bar. "Bourbon on the rocks!" I managed to shout out to the bartender. He nodded, and I glanced around the strange setting. Colorful lights were flashing and people were dancing. I rolled my eyes when I saw a very drunk Meg Giry, but then realization struck. If Meg was here, then Christine was probably somewhere around here also.

I scanned the floor intently and found nothing. I sighed and sipped my bourbon. I fought my way through the raging crowd to a small corner where I could sit alone. Only, someone was already there.

My student whom I had favored above all else, was propped up upside-down, clearly drunk. She was intently tapping her phone and giggling at it. She wore an unbelievably short dress that showed off her gorgeous legs, and her face looked like that of an angel's.

"I don't recall you being twenty-one, Miss Daaé," I said, smiling at her drunken state.

She gazed up at me, confused. "I know you! You're that umm," She tapped her lip, thinking hard. I sat down next to her and helped her get up.

"I know! You're my. . . Dear old friend?"

Her doe-brown eyes filled with joy, and she smiled widely. She put her head on my lap and gazed up at me hopefully. I gazed, startled, down at the head on my legs.

"Sorry, my dear, I'm your teacher."

A devastated look passed over her face, and it took all my strength to keep from comforting that dear face.

"But I thought I was right!" She cried out, heartbroken. She sighed sadly and took my hand. Mt heart skipped a beat, and I mentally scolded myself.

She's your student, idiot!

"I haven't failed a test since I 2008!" She closed her eyes and continued.

"See, I was only eleven and my mother had gotten killed in Iraq. And I was miserable, failed all my classes." Her depressed look suddenly turned to joy, "But then I found her letter! She told me to be strong and make sure never to give up music and to study hard, so I did!" She squealed and fell off the couch. I glanced down to see that she was alright.

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